switched to Boost, seems to work great. I do miss swipe to up/downvote
Have you tried Thunder? It has swipe gestures for voting and a compact option.
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switched to Boost, seems to work great. I do miss swipe to up/downvote
Have you tried Thunder? It has swipe gestures for voting and a compact option.
Thanks for the suggestion. Just tried and it seems to be pretty good, but the whitespace is pretty large + even after reducing animation it's very laggy on my low-end device so I think I'll stick with Boost for now.
boost has compact, dense, and small cards as some of it's post view options, ans you can also customize the view to your specific wants. it apparently has ads but with a pi-hole or just a DNS (I like adguard) you get the ad free experience without hassle (I didn't know it had ads until today and have been using it for months)
Boost was exactly what I'm looking for, thanks a lot. Guess I should try digging its apk.
Thanks. Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to be as compact tho
this is what Connect looks like on my Pixel 4a
Though I wish it were a little more like which is a reader for hackernews
Thanks a lot. Indeed, Hacki is great