Good. As much as I hate rainbow capitalism and performative corporate allyship, it’s the minimum requirement. You can’t be a willing accessory to people’s persecution and expect to be welcomed at their party.
Fuck them.
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Good. As much as I hate rainbow capitalism and performative corporate allyship, it’s the minimum requirement. You can’t be a willing accessory to people’s persecution and expect to be welcomed at their party.
Fuck them.
Stop shopping at Target. The best time to do so was when they first pulled support for LGBTQ+ people. The next best time is now.
I hope they never put up another rainbow flag again when Trump's administration is over. They're a shameless corporation betting on people's short memories so they'll try anyway, however.
shameless corporation
Name a better duo!
Fair weather friends are no friends of the LGBT community. We need to treat this as permanently burning that bridge. When they come back after this... runs its course... we need to tell them to go fuck themselves.
I disagree. They are heartless money grubbers who are betting that destroying on DEI is the best move. I want them to know that isn't the case. We have the economic power and they should pay the price and turn coat. Boycott Target
Seeing companies kowtow to trump when he says diversity is bad really exemplifies just how pathetic they have been in their pandering. If you don't agree with something, or don't care about it, then just don't do it. Lying and saying something matters to you, then acting in the opposite just makes you look like a hypocrite and a fraud.
Might as well paint swastikas on their target logos
Lol imagine letting these companies participate in the first place
I'm surprised that Harley Davidson is scaling them back. HD, as a brand, is dying. Their core demographic is old white men that have a lot of disposable income. If HD wants to be viable for the next 20++ years, they need to expand their customer demographics; eliminating DEI is the opposite of that.
Eh, whatever. I'll just keep riding my Honda and Triumph.
"assure", not "ensure".
That is disappointing.