In one of my courses, the prof is pretty much forcing us to use the new edition of a textbook that came out last year. Even worse, there's no physical version of it. It's all digital and we have to rent it from the publishing company.
I couldn't find it anywhere online so I rented it, did a little work with networks tab and pyautogui, and now I have offline access to it.
Unfortunately, I was only able to get it as a .xhtml file. Each xhtml file has it's own directory (similar to what happens when you save a .html page). I then used a tool to combine all the .xhtml files into multiple .pdf files, and then combined all those into a single .pdf file.
The .pdf file seems correct, but it feels like somethings might not have been converted properly, so I still want the option to distribute the .xhtml files. Where can I post them such that other students will find it if they try searching for it?
Also, is it possible that the file could be traced back to me?
(I did the same thing about 2 years ago and uploaded it to libgen but libgen has been down for like the past week)