They could go to South Korea, too, if not able to be exchanged.
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They shouldithreaten to send them to south korea if an exchane isn't done soon. or perhaps if north korea doesn't stop sending more troops.
they may not know that, but SK is actually really nice and NK citizens get SK citizenship automatically and AFAIK welcome money and integration help.
Probably hard to convince a North Korean that South Korea is different from whatever the North's propaganda shows it as. Plus they might have family in the North.
A lot of ppl in both Koreas also have family in the other part.
Not soldiers. they are too young to have family - just distant relatives who they have never met and nean nothing.
NK refuges are an easy target for NK operatives, and they are seen as a threat by NK there. It's easier to live outside of the region for them.
Surely for disgracing the fatherland, 3 generations rule for him before return...
North Korea doesn't want any of those troops coming home and talking about their time abroad.
Getting captured is probably going to get them fed to hungry dogs.
This feels a bit like a Allegory of the cave type situation. They dont really understand whats going on and are probably scared and confused as fuck about this completely different world they were dumped into. Returning to their normal might feel like the safer option to them.
Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life.