Whoo!! Better than Latvia!
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
“Surely not!” And then with a heavy sigh, I remembered Baltimore.
Same thing happened to me 😔
If you can make it here you ca…. Oh someone killed you…
If I can make it here I ca…
What's the deal with Louisiana?
Corruption, poor education, overpowered oil/gas lobby, for-profit prison system that encourages recidivism
And that's just scratching the surface
outside of NO, the region is reletively low on education, poverty ridden and low opportunity. its the trio that makes high homicide rate.
reletively low on education
You don't say
Oh there's plenty of people killing each other in the city too.
Hot and humid all the time.
I remember reading something while ago that did link high temperatures with higher rates of things like violence. Essentially, being hot all the damn time makes everyone's baseline level of irritability higher and so things escalate more often. Seems a bit counter-intuitive though if we all came from Africa so I'm not sure how true it ultimately is.
Wasn’t that where true detective season 1 was based in? Says all you need to know.
There's some bad boujee downindatbayou.
That'd be the French influence
What's up with Liechtenstein? That's five people and a fortune, how are they competing with the US?
Pretty sure the amount they're listed as having on the graph is equivalent to one single homicide, due to their low population.
Exactly. Extremely small population and short duration (just one year’s data) means even a small number of murders in a given year will easily bump it up.
Probably true, yes. Death by Hilti!
I didn't expect my state to be in 2nd place. I guess I should keep staying away from st Louis and KC. And Jeff city. And probably springfield.
What's up in the baltic?
The leading cause of homicide in the Baltic countries is alcohol. What is interesting is that the victims are usually family members and friends, because you drink at the same table and when you argue, you get angry and it ends badly. It is rare that a person is killed without a connection to the killer, and if it does happen, it makes the national headlines.
During the multiple occupations of the Baltic countries, alcohol was used to control the population. The tsar used it, Stalin used it and now Putin uses it. Alcohol helps to escape from reality and provides comfort. It will take time to overcome the alcoholic generations, measures are being taken to help solve the problem, but you can't change a country where for more than a hundred years alcoholism was the norm.
Alabama: "We aren't Mississippi!"
Guess they can include a few others too.
Hmm. Pennsylvania. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Philly.
What's the reason for excluding so many european countries in this graphic?
The UK not being included makes me think that these are only EU member countries? I don't know for sure though.
Switzerland is included though. I'm thinking it's just data availability.
It literally says Eurostat in the bottom right
Eurostat (European Statistical Office; DG ESTAT) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission (...). Eurostat's main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.
It looks like their source was the Eurostat Data Browser. Maybe these are just the countries it has data for?
so many
Two countries are being left out. Is two a high number to you?
Pretty sure the UK is no longer part of Europe. The greyed out countries aren't part of Europe, so why would they be included?
Whoooo Rheinland-Pfalz! Lesgoooo!
Hmm Mord means murder though, not homicide, that would be Totschlag. Also there is a note in the sidebox that the graphs include attempted murders.
Damn, Latvia