What an episode..... Absolutely loved it.
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This. THIS is how you do anime. What a masterpiece of an episode.
At the start of the episode, we have no reason to care about Acrobatic Silky. At the end, we care SO MUCH about Acrobatic Silky. I had goosebumps.
Other anime try and fail to tug at heartstrings. This one yanks your heart so hard it comes out your throat.
All the things the mother was doing was so relatable. Even though she seems to have been a professional ballet dancer, she has to work two part time jobs and sell her body to raise her kid.
As an aside: making sex work illegal (as it is in Japan) makes sex workers extremely vulnerable. They can't solicit help from the police because they would be arrested. People know this and take advantage of it, as likely happened in this episode at least not directly.
Why is there pain in my Dandadan? ;_;
This is a no-brainer but I'm predicting that Dan Da Dan tops this (next?) week's anime charts.
Solid episode. Forgot about this part from the manga and it hit like a truck. I hope the daughter is doing okay, but I don't keep my hopes up.
I like how they don't entirely spell out what happened to Silky, but they give you enough information to connect the dots. Good use of show don't tell.