Alternate suggestion: be tall and wear regular platform boots. Tower over me.
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why not both?
One on each foot so you walk lopsided
Is this for people who wish to impress those who are attracted to mad scientist Igor assistant types?
Fun fact: 6” heels mean nobody is brave enough to comment on your height
One of my wife's friends is tall, like 6'3", and wears huge boots.
Everyone just wants to climb her like a tree
Nice! I’m 5’11” and regularly wear 6” heels out. My wife likes it as does everyone else
I would pay so much for these
It's not exactly this but have you considered barefoot shoes? They have a super-thin sole so they naturally take some height off you, compared to "normal" shoes. I wear them for completely different reasons (as a cis man who has found these to help with feet pain and posture after being a kid with flat feet), but I thought you'd appreciate the tip.
Groundies make them with "normal" looking soles, but it's all an optical illusion - they have a strip around them so the sole looks "thick", "normal" and "fashionable". Essentially a less exaggerated version of that drawing:
Caveat: they're more niche and therefore expensive. Also not everyone enjoys the idea of walking without cushioning and feeling the texture of the ground.
I want reverse lifts tho...
I am already short,I could be even shorter :3
If smol correlates with cute, you could at the same time become even cuter :3
nah I am an absolute goblin. With good and the bad(which means I am ugly :3 :3)
this must be created immediately
I'd easily pay $200 before I even thought twice about it
You know, if I ever saw a tall cis woman explain how she needs to wear something like this, cuz they girls need to be short, cuz whatever BS reason, I'd lecture her on how her gender doesn't define shit about her, and how she should avoid men who are so insecure they wouldn't date her because of her height.
Now, what really puzzles me, is that someone makes a choice to become a woman, and chooses to follow the full pallette of sexist crap.
It can be euphoric and gender affirming
Also not a choice