
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

That story (and narrative) is somewhat disingenuous though. The official vote, and thus the will of the British people, was to leave. To say that’s wrong because people didn’t understand what their vote meant or weren’t shown how they should register really speaks more to how poorly the remain campaigns communicated the seriousness of the referendum and what it would mean to cast a leave vote or to not vote at all.

Look, I think it was a poor choice for the UK to leave the EU. And as an American I get how frustrating it is when electoral systems mask what polling shows for a verity of reasons. But official elections are the source of truth in the democratic processes we have and to claim the results are false is dangerous whether it’s for brexit in the UK or for a president in the US.

[–] [email protected] 71 points 1 week ago (4 children)

So in a nutshell, it’s no longer sex ed, it’s indoctrination

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

In addition some locations, like where I live, utilities only provide TOU rates for EV owners. These decrease electricity rates overnight so you can charge for cheaper when the grid has excess capacity. These decrease electricity upside is you can run tons of things overnight to take advantage of this (dishwashers, laundry, even your AC to overcool your home). Combine that with solar net metering that pays the standard rate due to the power being generated during peak loads and it can be huge savings, all just for owning an EV.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

When I ran long distance in high school I’d replace my shoes every year, over xc and track they probably had around 800km on them, some years a bit more others less. I learned quickly that changing brands or even models from what worked for me was bad so always got the Mizuno waveriders that were available that year.

As others noted you’ll feel the midsole start that lose its cushion well before you see wear in it. Even when it looks like it has bounce, it may not be providing what you need to cushion the forces from running (a normal pace can see many times your body mass as force on your foot as you and you want to absorb a lot of that to not ruin your knees and hips).

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

They can, I turned off my plex VM to save resources but no real reason they can’t both point to the same libraries at once.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

So still not addressing the myriad problems the player has, especially on AppleTV where it’s been reported for nearly half a decade to not work well. But hey you get yet another place to do photos things (which they admit literally no one wants or uses, they’d be better off dropping support for photos altogether).

This is super frustrating because plex is very polished despite its clear bugs and misdirection. I just switched over to JellyFin and it’s faster and much more focused but just still has a lot of rough edges. I’m not sure which will be my long term solution but plex needs to attract folks to subscribe and focusing on features that 1/5 of a percent of users utilize is not how you do that.

[–] [email protected] 84 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The article title is misleading, but the research is interesting. Essentially it’s saying that when the rocket self-destructed due to it performing off nominal (as the first test ever of this vehicle) it ionized a large swath of the ionosphere from Mexico to the SE US which can impact the accuracy of GPS for systems that require high precision. The ionosphere reionizes very quickly naturally though so the effects are short lived (hours to maybe a day) and the impact to navigation at least should be small because of how GNSS works with built in corrections for exactly these types of errors. It feels like Nature is stretching a bit with the doom and gloom headline that the authors don’t even point to in the article (though I have not read the paper to be fair).

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

That indeed looks like exactly what they are, which I should have known since I have a bunch of UniFi gear at home. I wonder what PennDOT is using them for.


They started installing poles along a main road near where we live and I’m not sure what the white antennas on them are for. Some of the poles have traffic cameras like the one in the picture but others don’t. They are spaced every half to one mile and have antennas on opposite sides, with what looks like a radio cabinet near the base. The antennas are all aligned along the road, pointing parallel to traffic. This is in southwest Pennsylvania.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Like most here I work in IT. Unlike most here I have a BS in earth sciences (meteorology). While in school I did some summer volunteer work for the NWS near my home outside of DC that I found through an Alum that worked there. After I finished school that turned into a full time federal contractor position doing instrumentation testing and design. The facility was smaller and so I split my time with my friend (the alum that helped me in the first place) doing IT work. A few years down the road and I got a masters in information security (because sometimes a piece of paper matters). I turned that into a full time IT position at the same facility (still as a contractor).

For personal reasons I later moved out of state which was pretty difficult to find a job, most places assume you want relocation assistance or otherwise aren’t interested in out of state applicants. I used an employment agency to help, and got a good job as a jack of all trades IT admin at a small engineering company (about 200 employees total). I stayed there for a few years before moving to a large enterprise. I wanted to go somewhere with growth potential. I liked that job and made a lot of great friends and professional contacts. I ended up leaving for a verity of reasons (bad management, poor company outlook, and seeking more stability).

I eventually found my current job through someone I was working with who moved to my current company. I work for a national laboratory doing IT security work making good money in a super stable career (I’m a contractor so protected from a lot of the politics but the lab does work for the DOD so funding is never really in question).

My general tips would be:

  1. Get to know alum at your school (if you choose to go to school)
  2. Don’t be afraid to work outside your major
  3. Start broad then generalize. I work with tons of folks that specialized in their field from the start, and while they are super smart at the one thing, they are locked into it and often can’t see the forest through the trees. Having a broad base makes it way easier to ask questions that help move projects forward.
  4. Ask dumb questions. Chances are if you don’t understand it, others don’t either. Don’t be afraid to look ignorant, every good manager I’ve ever worked for has rewarded curiosity and questioning as long as it’s productive generally.
  5. Know when to cut your losses and look elsewhere. This may be the millennial in me, but you don’t owe your company anything. Know when you’re unhappy and talk with management to see if there’s a solution. If not (or if management is the problem) look to move somewhere else.
  6. Goes with the above but the best time to find a job (and usually a promotion with it) is when you have a job.
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I’m not seeing the option in the UI to switch plans, I only have one custom domain and am well under the storage limits. I put in a help request since it seems like this may be just a me thing. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago (4 children)

This is great, I haven’t checked yet but I assume we can convert a family plan with only two users to a duo plan?1

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Not OP but we dropped prime and basically stopped using Amazon a few years ago when they started trying to put a giga-warehouse (their branding) in our residential neighborhood and we found that aside from the useless junk we didn’t need anyways, most local stores are the same price or less than Amazon. Target especially if you have a RedCard can have great deal on decent things.


Im interested in a DS invite if someone has a spare they don’t mind sharing.


I’m still seeing new comments get two upvotes until I leave and come back to the post (so for sure something from Memmys end and not from the instance). I think this was reported before and was supposed to be fixed in a past version but I’m noticing it on the last few builds at least.

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