Online required is hilarious to see on a clock.
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Trying to think of more ways they could make this absurdly annoying:
- If the alarm has been playing for too long, start playing the low health sound effect from Zelda
- If you have one minute left before you need to leave for school/work, play the "almost out of time" jingle from Super Mario
- Navi
Hey, listen!
smashes the clock against the wall
.00001% chance it wakes you with Dawn of the Final Day
What an unnecessary, silly project no one asked for. When can I order one outside the US?!? 😂
It surprises me that Nintendo would think enough people would pay for this, but considering the tech in it, I doubt it could sell for cheaper at a profit. What people don't realize is that there is a full on radar based health monitoring system in there that drives the price up. I expect this is a test bed for a future product that someone is trying to make back the R&D money.
I would buy it, if it where available in Europe.
does spending $100 on an alarm clock count as a literal interpretation of "go woke go broke"
This seems a horrible way to wake up.
This looks like a raspberry pi clock project, with a Mario theme - it's not a terrible price if you don't want to build it yourself (at least I think) - but I doubt you can customize like a self built one.
Also if you make your own you'll probably get sued, so just don't sell it I guess lol
This is what Nintendo hardware engineers do to fill time when the Switch 2 is just a scaled-up Switch 1
what an incredible way to ensure you physically cringe the entire time you play any nintendo game with the sound on
So, it's a Nintendo billboard in your bedroom, basically.
I still find this quite weird.
Having an alarm clock that connects to the internet certainly isn't something that I thought we needed.
Impressive. They actually managed to make a product that makes AAA Clock on the Switch eShop look like a good deal.
Seriously though, cut the price in half and I'd MAYBE consider this as something of a Nintendo related novelty/"luxury" if I had the cash to burn. You can't ever convince me (or most people) to pay $100 for a friggin' alarm clock though.