Hi, you can set browser.tabs.hoverPreview.enabled to False in about:config
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There's also a checkbox in settings > general section.
Oh you're right, under Tabs! Thanks
Why don't you like it? Obviously you should be able to hide it and customise it however you want, I'm just wondering.
I don't find it useful I guess?
On computers where I've got high specs, if I want a quick look on a tab it's faster to just switch to that tab rather than waiting for me to hover on the tab and get a preview of it, so I guess I could keep it there, but I feel like it distracts me on the rare occasion I have to close a tab clicking on the X with the mouse (I rarely do it, usually I'm a kb shortcut guy)
On computers where I got low specs, I feel like the tab hover preview is just something that doesn't actually give me any benefits and instead just slows more a modest specs system when I move the mouse on the tabs for whatever reasons.
I'm glad FF is introducing more things of course, I can see the appeal for the general public, but it's not for me I guess?
Personally, I don't have as strong of an opinion on it, but I have noticed that I mostly switch tabs via keyboard shortcuts. So, pretty much the only time the preview shows up, is when I go to drag a tab to another window. And at that point, it usually rather gets in the way than it being useful...