I wonder if there was an old water course way there long ago, and the rain has caused it to 'reopen' as it were? It seems to be following a natural depression, so it's that or a path maybe?
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- Banner is Soft Rain by Sandara
There's no path there, it could well have been a water course. There is an existing river nearby, and having looked on a map, there seems to be a gap which this water could well be filling in.
It's pretty cool when this happens. There's a stream near me that only appears when it rains. Disappears back under the ground when it stops. You'd never know it was there. The memory of water, hidden by the ground, ready to be remembered as soon as the rain drops start to fall.
The river does not care if it should be there. It will go where it pleases.
That's a river?
Not really! Just excess water which has made a bit of a stream...
Last November, the allotments at the bottom of my hill flooded for the first time since I arrived 4 years ago, this year it's arrived in October.
Last year it wasn't until March until they were walkable. I wonder how long it will be this year.
It got to about 4ft last time and seemingly poisoned the land as no-ones crops grew this year. Interestingly plums and pears did pretty well.