I had my eye on the first one but never dug in deep enough to tell if I would want it. Whats it play like?
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New one is a lot different. Instead of individual buildings, you’re building districts. I never really got into the first too much, but I played for 8 hours yesterday. If you’re into city building with politics, it’s pretty great.
Been on a Tropico kick lately, this could be dangerous.
See you again next year!
I'm on the other side and lost interest very quickly due to the politics. But I can absolutely see the game being great if that's your thing.
You try and build a city for people, and it's extreamly cold. So you have to make them go out and gather resources and make difficult choices (morally). If you are not finding ways to make at least the majority of people happy, you get kicked out from leadership and even banned if I remember correctly.
I felt like I was there. It's a very atmospheric game with great music and story.
Can I mix warcrimes and politics?
Kinda. In FP1 you can make kids work in mines and you can force your townsfolk to work extremely long hours and eat sawdust in their rations to make the food stretch longer. You can turn their heat down to save resources. Etc.
You won't last long though haha.
The children yearn for the mines
I could not for the life of me get into frostpunk, but IXION was pretty good.