I have insurance. Just to give you perspective. I had a video call for some mental health diagnosis. I now have a bill of $568 dollars. Reminder, this is WITH insurance. I have to pay that out of pocket. And I even have to set up additional appointments. Which will be probably around the same price.
I also have an inhaler. I had a doctor's appointment to get a refill on my medication because I don't have to use the inhaler too much (meaning I don't have to refill often). I try to stay healthy and workout and only have to use it when working out/exercising. $300 dollars for the appointment. Another $212 for the actual medication that I picked up. In the last 30 days I have blown over a grand on medical. And I'm not even sick/unhealthy.
My wife on the other hand has very expensive monthly medication for a rare disease. She hits her max out of pocket every year which is 5k. Which we just have to pay forever. If I was on her healthcare plan, we would end up paying 10k every year just for healthcare.
I would say on a regular year. We pay around 7k in healthcare costs with our insurance (depending on how healthy I am throughout the year). On a light year 5.5k.