The Breach, or The Crowning Incel
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My college group actually talked about this 20 years ago v the name we came up with: The Uniburn. Portmanteau of unibrow and sideburn
The "O" face
The ring of Uranus
The Virgin
The o-no ring.
Neckbeard 360
Face punching reticle
The sideways monk
Licked the bowl
Blender artists know this as the loop cut
How this one Russian beat facial recognition to dodge the draft.
The massage table cushion
I thought of "puking convenience" in a somewhat similar fashion.
The Bowl.
Render glitch
The portrait
Male Pattern Butterface
The Portal
The “save some pussy for the rest of us”.
The virgin.
The Alex Murphy.
The Newborn. ("Crowning")
Face first!
Circle, k?
The Dorian Gray
Peeping into the butthole
The ring piece
Widespread Prison Pussy.
Easter Egg
Hail O
The next joke haircut I do
The Dog Collar
Giving Birth
The snow golem.
The leg spreader.
The Vertical Tonsure
When you want to apply for the next 'Scary Movie' and already prepare for the mask...
Face Hole
That's called the Hannibal Lector.
The Boss's Favourite
For a hot second my brain interpreted his face as the back of his head and it really got to me.
The 2 live crew bowl cut.