Holy shit, they actually showed the footage! Hahahaha
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Is that Chris Hero walking back through the camera shot afterwards head in hands?
Holy shit, they actually did it
Really looking at the vid in the context of the story I like it. The Bucks only lost because of this stupid petty shit from FTRs bestie who obviously wanted out
FTR then counters with an actual EVP response that they just want to focus on wrestling and people who actually support AEW
I'm really impressed how they angled it.Round of applause for the mad lads!
Yes! This is carny as fuck!
Quoting Punk's "If you have a problem with Jack Perry you have a problem" is fantastic
The look on Tony's face says it all, he looks like he's done and just wants to go home, indefinitely.
He has been very open about wanting to move on from this, then they air it, and the AEW crowd begins chanting for CM Punk, it doesn't appear to have done anything for them, I guess we'll see when the ratings come out.
My knee-jerk reaction was he was having WCW flashbacks of some of their crazy actions.
You think Brodie wears one of those shirts that are basically a onesie? How does it not come untucked?
ππThese assholes still used the elevator
They're not going to walk like some plebians
Still paying the damn thing off, gotta use it.
Looking forward to the future mixed tag
Shit I'd watch Brodie vs Willow
ππ Idk I needed a Young Bucks countdown until now
And now it's gone!
Color me shocked that a man who usually comes out to Judas would screw over someone
He really is the Judas in his mind
Penta ain't paid by the minute lol
Pentas moveset is just him with escalating levels of dick moves
Well I guess that means I need to find time tonight to watch Collision.
so buckle up
I see you.
So, how do we see this shit going? lol
No matter what there will be drama. Depending on how toxic, it will be great or exhausting for the next couple of weeks
For people like me who aren't fans of Punk, it's gonna be annoying, there's wayyyyyy more better and unproblematic wrestlers we could all be focusing our energy on, but for some magical reason we always end up talking about Punk, he hadn't touched a ring for 7 odd years and you couldn't escape conversations of him or hearing his name.
I'm trying to think of a way this goes well. It feels like something lawyers would handle in any other business. Either way I'm breaking out the extra big bowl for popcorn!
Dustin's in the back wondering where his music is
Sooo are we doing this eliminator match later in the show
I'm assuming so
Rated Chicken Hawks
A true strange pairing that also makes sense
This is some champagne shenanigans
The EVPs making an executive decision here
Okadas brand of smug dickhead balances them out nicely
Lol yeah I would definitely turn down getting interviewed by Marvez
Stupid sexy Marvez
Willow attacked Mone!
Don't take any shit, Anna!
Between the backstage footage and the Osprey jabs, it kind of makes them come off as low rent.