Do people really believe what is being touted as “artificial intelligence” is actually artificial intelligence?
It objectively is artificial intelligence. It is not artificial general intelligence
What’s underlying that is this idea that once you get smart enough, you also become alive. And that’s just not true.
When people say this grammatically in the format of a fact, I have to wonder what other ingredient they think there is, and how much it's just another way of saying "a soul".
Like, yeah, nobody can say how much further our present approach to AI will continue to extend. Saying it could never work is basically making shit up.
Also revealing:
If we’re just a complicated machine, then it stands to reason that at some point we’ll have a more complicated machine. It’s just a continuum and we’re on that. But if you actually remove that premise and say, look we’re not machines, we’re not computers… then you have an ability to talk about human culture in a way that can actually be healthy.
Oh, so materialism is unhealthy too. We need to be cured, guys! /s