This loser is so obsessed with what’s between your legs. No wonder his parents named him ‘tucker’
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You legit made me lol
He looks more and more like a muppet every year.
Tucker spends too much time thinking about hairy buttholes, and not enough time not being one.
Tucksy, shouldn’t somebody be investigating cats and their blatant asshole advertising? Can’t have pussies making people gay.
I was to understand conservatives hated a moist vagina, and not just because a bunch of people simultaneously decided the word moist was unpleasant.
Aren't gay people more likely to shave back there? So if it's hairy, he's just a regular old ass?
I prefer my sandworms to have flashier attire.
Is this real? Did he actually do a piece on this?
This guy must know he's a parody of himself right?
It's not real.
Even Tucker couldn't be dumb enough to not consider that maybe the forty fucking years of Reaganomics are the problem.
Lynch's DUNE >>>>>> DUNC
Damn socialist