My brother in Christ this is a 9gag link
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I rofled. hahahah
But I gotta admit, a lot of random scrolling on a friday night I fall on a lot UA related posts on 9gag. told me it keeps the video for 2 days? and I was not sure if I should post the 9gag link which stays forever and have people goad me about it (idc i take it as a joke) or a streamable one. lmao.
Streamable deletes videos, assuming you use the free plan, 90 days after upload afaik. Paid plans don't delete your stuff.
Thanks brother for the info. Yeah I dont think I'll be posting streamable links then unless something it's something gory or something. My pocket is not that big yet to pay yet another service.
Problem is that certain figures today there is nothing that can be made that is unbelievable. I could totally see this come out of the kremlin nowadays.
Poland went on an absolutely buying spree for armor, artillery and air defense.
The question at this point would be: Would NATO be able to activate units under Article 5 before Poland finishes rolling through Moscow?
He's working backwards from "I want every country that was east of the wall to be part of Russia". Any flimsy excuse will do, even if it's complete and utter bullshit because those in Russia who call him out on it get arrested at best.
The history of Poland goes much further back than just "Hurr Durr, StALiN GiFtEt iT!".
The first ruling dynasty, the Piasts, emerged in the 10th century AD.
Here is a Map of Poland from 1757. Stalin was born over 100 years later. But, yeah, I'm sure Vladimir has a very selected view on history.
Further more the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a real threat to Moscow and in 1610 even occupied Moscow.
Sigismund III then initiated a policy of expansionism, and invaded Russia in 1609 when that country was plagued by a civil war known as the Time of Troubles. In July 1610, the outnumbered Polish force comprising winged hussars defeated the Russians at the Battle of Klushino, which enabled the Poles to take and occupy Moscow for the next two years. The disgraced Vasili IV of Russia was transported in a cage to Warsaw where he paid a tribute to Sigismund; Vasili was later murdered in captivity. The Commonwealth forces were eventually driven out on 4 November 1612 (celebrated as Unity Day in Russia). The war concluded with a truce that granted Poland–Lithuania extensive territories in the east and marked its largest territorial expansion. At least five million Russians died between 1598 and 1613, the result of continuous conflict, famine and Sigismund's invasion.
This Putin guy really was bad in school, bad at his KGB job in Germany and is now really bad at leading his mafia-state of a country. Imagine being such a failure in Life.
Putin is clicking "fabricate casus belli", but he has nominated himself as chancellor, with diplomacy stats of an inbred retard.
Putin going for level 2 in doublethink: “If we’re at war with everyone, we’re at war with noone.
Putin 99999999 IQ. He's gotta be playing on a different chessboard
Putin and logic? Antithetical.
You and what army?
Good fucking luck with that
Motion to declare Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin king of 9gag!
I dont think they would like that. I think he's more like king of clowns there.
He is a king of clowns regardless of where.
O FartsWithAnAccent, what is your wis....
And there is a difference?
Poland: If
Sounds like a threat. Why even say this nonsense? We know he’s not going to attack and risk article 5 being invoked.