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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/WingNo3234 on 2024-01-24 13:12:20+00:00.
My partner and I have been together for about 18 months. We're very alike, to the point we sometimes clash with each other by both being strong headed. However she's a lot more outgoing than I am, meaning she's often out drinking and partying while I am not.
A while back, on one of these nights she kissed a mutual friend of ours. She told me about it and said that they didn't kiss but it came close. The friend told me that they did in fact kiss. I let that go and said that a drunk kiss isn't going to destroy our relationship, but she should stop hanging around with him one on one.
Fast forward to last week and she was once again out with that same group of friends and told me she'd invited that same friend round to hers, alone, late at night.
I was pretty pissed off by this as the line I'd drawn had been crossed, so we argued, and eventually a few days after I ended up, believing I was saving us both a lot of hassle in the long run, as if she carried on like this, it will happen again and again and only get worse. She insisted nothing happened and nothing was going to, but more than that I'm upset she crossed the line I'd set and didn't seem to care. Was this the right thing to do?
TL;dr - ended things with my partner as she brought a guy back to her place that she'd kissed in the past.