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The original was posted on /r/ubiquiti by /u/Shadowfax_096 on 2024-01-23 19:26:21+00:00.
Hey everyone!
I'm super new to Unifi and currently loving it. I picked up an UX and that's been working great for my apartment. Picking up the UK-Ultra just to round out the signal throughout the place. I want to get two cameras to function as baby monitors for our twins. Currently looking at the G4 Instant. I know that the UX doesn't have Protect so I was thinking about picking up a CloudKey+ to fill that gap. I was wondering if that would be possible with my current setup. I also know the UX has a max adoption of 4 other devices.
Any input would be great! We can't afford the UDM-Pro and the Dream Router is still out of stock or else I'd just get that.