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The original was posted on /r/homelab by /u/jh46 on 2024-01-24 04:59:27+00:00.
Scored a Gizmac xRack Pro - it's an older fully enclosed cabinet that was designed for sound reduction. There are some older posts on here about them, but I have a question I didn't see covered.
From the factory the sound reduction is accomplished with pretty standard acoustic foam-- looks like it was Soundcoat Soundfoam, about 2lbs/ft³, pretty standard stuff.
The foam in mine was pretty much perished- it had been stored in a hot warehouse for a few years, so beyond filthy the foam was just crumbling.
Acoustic foam with similar density is easy enough to find, but my question: is there more effective soundproofing I can throw at this thing while I have it all torn apart?
My first thought is adding Dynamat under the foam, I'm just not sure if it's worthwhile. Planning on being more thorough with the foam if nothing else, and replacing the fans.
I'm not putting anything too crazy loud in it, mostly 2u stuff, but want to give it the best shot while I have the chance.