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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/askinghawking on 2024-01-14 13:51:22+00:00.
Hey, I‘m about to move and I started to think about my backup system again. As the title says, it is amateur. All I read in here seems kind of overkill for my needs. Also, a big home based NAS type wouldn‘t be that convinient for me as I move a lot and travel 300+ days a year. Also- this is all private stuff. I care about my live photos and documents. I have one private MacBook, one private iPhone and a business phone that is only relevant for the private pictures I take with it.
How I do it:
Everything from the 2 phones go to the Mac as the original data.
Then I have a SSD at home using Time Machine.
Another SSD is in my dad‘s house, updating twice a year.
Cloud: For documents-OneDrive.
For my photos I use the free Amazon photos app (free for prime users).
What do you guys think ?