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The original was posted on /r/netsec by /u/TopShelfHockeyMN on 2024-01-13 22:29:04+00:00.
Is anyone else competing in the 2024 Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition? Our regionals are coming up.
Looking for advice from those that have competed in the past. What kind of environment can I anticipate to encounter? I’m in no means in a position to win the competition, our University is fielding 2 teams and I am on the alternate team. Our main team, comprised of past CCDC participants, seems to know exactly what’s going to happen, have plenty of GitHub repos at their disposal, while we are kind of scratching our heads.
I’m an old head with plenty of knowledge on the CISCO stack, but the captains all say this is irrelevant to the competition now. It’s kind of discouraging talking about how we used to hop VLANs using 802 Q Double Encapsulation, capturing, spoofing in hex, and flooding ARP replies for ARP cache poisoning, when these current students have never even used the Cisco iOS CLI, and then additionally to be told that my skills and knowledge are archaic thinking. How can transform/evolve my thinking to be effective in this competition?