Nice to have another product service as pipe cleaner for a new node
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All posts must be related to Intel or Intel products.
Give competitors' recommendations only where appropriate. If a user asks for Intel only (i.e. i5-12600k vs i5-13400?) recommendations, do not reply with non-Intel recommendations. Commenting on a build pic saying they should have gone AMD/Nvidia is also inappropriate, don't be rude. Let people enjoy things.
CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
Honestly though, who cares?
Intel should be focused on transitioning to ARM rather than keeping legacy x86 on life support.
See Intel, this is what happens when you an Engineer as a CEO.
I hope GlobalFoundries get back in shape.
global foundries has the IP for modern nodes but they didn't want to do it because they didn't know how to make it profitable, and now they're a public company that needs to be profitable.
they may get back in the game in a decade or so but I don't see how they make enough money to compete again other than building a lot of products that don't need modern nodes, which will take a while to bring in enough money.
They’ve explicitly stated they gave up on leading edge. they’re doing some cool stuff on older nodes, but if by that you mean “smaller transistors” - not happening.
They’ve explicitly stated they gave up on leading edge.
It feels like GF is slowly fading into irrelevance.
I think the opposite. I think GF will make loads of money, just not with the expensive R&D and other crap to do it. Slow and steady.
6700K gang here. I passed on the PC to a family friend for them to use in their office :D
Well RIP, must've missed it