this post was submitted on 16 Feb 2024
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libs 🤝 fascists
But telling you where to shove it would be uncivil.
The funniest thing I've seen on Lemmy was someone insisting socialism is pragmatic and liberals are idealists, because it comes to mind every single god-dang time one of y'all shits all over opposition to outright dictatorship. So long as the dictator is from a country you insist was actually state-capitalist - the real evil is anyone fighting brutal profiteering autocracy, unless they're ideologically pure.
Navalny is a literal racist and far right nationalist. Even western mainstream media was forced to admit this.
In 2021, a BBC article reported even Amnesty International was forced to strip Navalny’s “prisoner of conscience” status for the violence and hate he unremorsefully promoted
That same month, US government-funded Radio Free Europe likewise was forced to concede Navalny’s extremist background
The fact that people like you champion him as some OpPosItiOn to a DicTatoRshiP, shows just how utterly morally bankrupt you lot are.
"Forced to admit"? That means they reported on him, accurately, the way free media does. I don't know what's worse, how thick the Putin propaganda is here, or how little effort is behind it.
The fact that a bunch of mouth breathers in this thread are defending a literal fascist shows that western propaganda works as intended.
Good point, except that nobody is defending him at all, so dumb point.
I guess that's something a person with poor reading comprehension might say.