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Don't you think conversion therapy (which is clearly the intention here) is a bad thing?
Conversion therapy is forced. No one is forcing the "party of purity" to watch gay porn.
Its done without explicit consent.
If you click on the video to watch it that's explicit consent.
If you want to argue that the video being presented as an option is non-consensual conversion therapy, then we both have a massive lawsuit to put together, and I've got a bridge to sell you.
Its the intent that is the problem, and thats done without consent. Its one thing to have a generic engagenent algorithm, thats expected, its another thing to try conversion therapy.
Nice, bring it to court then. If you're correct you're due an unreasonable amount of money. What you will get, is laughed out of your case.
It’s totally cool for you to admit you tug it occasionally to another hot dude. It doesn’t make you gay. You don’t have to feel bad and commit your life to conservatism in order to punish others instead of yourself.
Is pornhub coming into your house tying you to the chair and forcing you to wank to gay/trans porn until you are willing to do it on your own.
Despite them having no motive to do this, and porn recommendations being a very obviously ineffective way of accomishing this goal, converting straight people is clearly the intention here. Even though they would lose viewership from straight men who are fed up with inaccurate recommendations, its completely worth it to them because the prospect of there being more gay people than there used to be is inherently more valuable to a corporation than money is.
Its straight from employees. Regardless if its effective, its still an attempt at conversion therapy.