this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2023
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Haha, good to see another fan of Dragon Quest, and the blue slime!
I am on media blackout for FFXVI game, and haven't seen any of the extended game plays, but what little I have seen, it looks great. Yoshi-P seems to have outdone himself. Also the fact that there won't be a day 1 patch, just shows their confidence in the game.
Sorry for the late reply. I knee-jerk blocked notifications and am still figuring out the interface XD
There is a demo for FFXVI that launches in an hour if that's of interest.
Final fantasy has a new release?
Final Fantasy XVI is releasing on June 22, as a PS5 timed exclusive. It is produced by Naoki Yoshida, aka Yoshi-P, the guy who saved Final Fantasy XIV.
Game looks even more resource heavy than FFXV, so I don't think it will ever come to Switch, but may come to PC and Xbox after the time exclusivity is over.
No, as I said, on media blackout. I know I am going to play it, so will just buy it when I am ready for it.
Edit: Oh, and no worries about late reply. Just enjoy your time here.