Sorry if asking wrong people but I've got a samsung galaxy j3 prime, its a really old phone and i lost its charger a year ago, after that until now I was charging it with a different cheap charger, and one day eventually while using the phone the back cover fells of(it has removable back) and then i realised that the battery became swollen, I immediately took the battery out and kept the phone and battery apart for 2 months, now today I lost patience and grabbed a safety pin and did a little hole on both sides of the battery. Now it fits !!!!!! and is much less swollen then before(yes it is still a little swollen)
So I meant to ask would it be safe to use it like that or is there a risk of the battery going kaboom!!! while i am using the phone or charging it ????
EDIT - I got rid of the swollen battery and now the mission was to get the smartphone working witty a new battery, so i checked online for new battery for my samsung j3 prime and i found nothing !!! So i decided to take matters in my own hands and searched for some old phone in my dad's stuff (and i found some really old samsung phone in really good condition) I removed their batteries and checked if they will work with the current j3 prime, the problem was that the battery that i found had 3 golden pins and the phone required a battery with 4 golden pins (idk what to call those pins specifically)
So i just stuck the 3 pin battery in the phone powered it on and voila it works and after that i made the battery stick to the back of the phone by folding a piece of paper on the empty space(the traditional way), after that i attached the back of the phone and now it is working, the only catch is that the battery backup is quite low but i can live with that.
Here the pic of how i made it fix
So i wanted to ask that is it ok to use the new battery? Considering that it has one less golden pin ?
If what everyone else said hasn't already put the wind up you, this portion of an article below details why lithium fires are so freaking bad.
Or, say you put a fucked up battery into your phone, then your phone into your pocket... Well, you might be golden if you also decided to start carrying lithium ion gel with you everywhere you go, but barring that, you'll make a pretty charred shish kabob in short order.
You're not even supposed to charge your phone near combustibles like sheets and clothings, ideally, or overcharge your batteries (to avoid overheating).
Thanks, I've learned my lesson and now I will safely dump it..