PSA: Your Headphones May Be Spying on You and Selling Your Data Without You Knowing
Welcome! This is a community for all those who are interested in protecting their privacy.
PS: Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!
Wired chads just keep winning, in so many ways.
They had to remove the ports to nerf them.
I'm still mad about it personally.
As we should be
Im not, i could buy an DAP that only plays music. Nobidy knows what i listen to. They don't even know aboht the anime folderi.
I have considered looking into an old school style MP3 player myself as well, I really might try and find one, or build one of those open source ones I've read about. Maybe the time is soon. But tbh I'm already carrying so much shit idk where I'd put it, between phone, vape/juice, wallet, and flipper I need all my pockets
There are really good chinese DAPS that do what you want. The one open source one isn't looking too hot atm. I had a fiio x1 for 10 years until the sd card slot broke. Now I got a cheapo hundred dollar hifiwalker that does the same stuff but has preamp out and bluetooth.
Awesome thanks for the info, I'll check it out!
Have a look at the hiby R1. It is tiny, sort of cheap and works just fine. Bought it with an awesome set of IEMs and a 512G microsd.