this post was submitted on 27 Jan 2025
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I have been doing some catching up on backlog this week as work settled down a bit (especially with my manga reading). I managed to watch most of the shows I wanted to this past week. First off, the non-seasonal I watched:
Now, for this season's shows:
No Zenshu yet for you?
It's my personal top pick of the season. It's not the deepest plot but if you are digging deep by watching Beheneko uhhhh, try Zenshu first? Lol.
Was the new Zenshu ep that much better than the previous 3?
Actually, were you watching Zenshu in English Dub?
The dub is bringing forth a lot of subtlety of the character journey. I dare say that the dub is superior. I didn't have the same emotional attachment to Hirose in subtitles.
I'm watching the Japanese version
I think the dub is better. There's subtlety here in the voices that I feel like I'd miss with subtitles.
Its about the same to me and matching my expectations.
But I never thought Zenshu was bad so I'm not sure what your questions about. It continues to explore (bait??) Hirose x Luke and deepens the mystery given the appearance of another character from the opening.
Soroiro Utility is fun though standard Moe tropes in HiDive if you wanna check something else out. Go watch Moe be awkward / cute / clumsy at golf.
Rereading your original comment, I'm not sure either. I somehow read that you thought the newest ep brought new stuff to the table.
Yeah, Zenshu really delivered with the last episode. That was a level of ridiculousness I did not respect this show to reach.
Checked out beheneko out of curiosity and while it doesn't really do anything too novel, I do like the characters so far. Fanservice though uhh.. I guess it could be worse lol
Yeah, I don't really have anything against it, it's just not for me. I think in some alternate timeline where not every character wants to ravage this cat, I might have enjoyed the show more. I liked the supporting characters, especially Anna-chan.
Yeah, I can see that; it just needed to be a bit more uhh.. I guess clever? In terms of using fanservice, it it was gonna do that anyway.
Kinda felt like a mistake to me (but it was probably just them trying to build suspension), since they showed a large part of it again at the end.