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Lets not, because you're flat out lying about that, bangcrash. 100 years. Not hundreds. In the ~800 years of the ottoman empire this wasnt happening, and that empire ended in November 1922.
Zionists like to lie about this history to make it seem like an intractable problem of ethnic hatred, but its self serving BS driven by 80 years of apartheid by Israel on the people living in that region, starting with the Zionist terrorism leading up to the Nakba.
The UN needs to admit they royally effed up in creating Israel back in 1948, and walk that back. Zionist terrorists have no right to be known as an israeli state in 1948, and no right to treat human beings in this manner from then until today. Israel needs to be disolved and the Israelis sent back to Russia and Europe where they came from. 80 years is enough. the ongoing injustice and genocide needs to end before the Israelis kill every non-jew in the region.
If the UN cannot or will not do that they are criminals themselves and should disolve in shame.
The Nakba was murderous land theft, and 80 years of murderous apartheid and human rights violations cant be defended. The terrorism and mass murder is a daily occurrence, and yet you whine about "ethnic cleansing" like Israel is some sort of victim.
Restorative justice is possible, but the UN land plan was unjust and needs to be rescinded. I dont care if murderers and terrorists like it. GTFO.
"the Arabs" are not a hivemind, you racist fuck. And Palestine has never been offered an actual two state solution, just Bantustan status.
Your use of insults makes you sound like a big strong man.
What makes you think the Arab state the UN proposed would not constitute a sovereign state?
I'm comfortable calling a racist a racist.
Oh, a racist and a troll.