this post was submitted on 11 Dec 2024
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Ye Power Trippin' Bastards
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it would be a drag to presume to speak for drag but drag will probably drag drag's self along to explain drag's drag act in drag's own time
Probably not, because we banned drag on this instance due to the endless trolling and drama drag was causing. It's a shame some of the trans communities haven't yet realized that drag is making a mockery of neo-pronouns in order to stir up as much drama as possible.
Oh well, drag will have moved onto some other hot topic and another username soon enough, no doubt, and will likely suck in another bunch of well-meaning users who buy into drag's shtick. Drag hasn't tried pretending to be blind yet, for example, so we probably have that to look forward to at some stage.
I'm still respecting drag's preferred pronoun just in the off chance drag is genuinely trans though - and I'd encourage other users to also do this. But let's be real here - trans folks have their fair share of drama farmers and trolls, just like any other demographic. It's not a free pass to be an asshole.
One thing to note is that drag might be therian. The gist of it is that sometimes the brain glitches out and finds it easier to relate to other species of animals, real or not, than other humans. Therianthropy can even go as far as causing people to have phantom tails, ears, etc. No idea why, it just kinda happens.
It's one of those things that sounds weird and is hard to relate to or understand if you've never experienced it; so it gets a bad rap. That and there are ~~animal abusers~~ zoophiles who try to use it as a nicer way of saying, "I like ~~abusing animals~~ bestiality". It sucks.
That said, there's nothing wrong with being therian if you're being legit about it, imo it's just another form of neurodivergence. Though, I'm not sure if I totally agree with trying to force people to accept it by using "drag" pronouns, buuuuut I guess you could say the same about me wanting people to use she/her instead of he/him. If being referred to as "drag" makes drag happy, then w/e I guess.
Edit: imo, if you wanna screw with drag, just accept drag for who drag is. If drag is really looking for attention, then drag will get bored or annoyed. On the other hand, if drag actually needs that kind of affirmation, then you're doing a good thing for drag. You're honestly probably making drag feel amazing by using the correct pronouns.
This is the way. Causing drama is what an attention seeker wants. Avoiding drama is what a person who has whatever we want to call the affliction wants. In all cases, the best case is to just accept the person at face value, avoid the drama, and keep living.