its only Tuesday... let me be all hand wavey, damnit! but here goes...
tl;dr - a few specifics. lots of nebulous warm and fuzzies. leaves everyone to fill in blanks. we went through this recently with obama - and I don't like it.
Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families
reasonable section with at least one defined commitment
" one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in taxes" - detailed proposal link?
Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable
"...comprehensive plan to build three million more rental units and homes" - proposal link?
"...first-time homebuyers with up to $25,000 to help with their down payments, with more generous support for first-generation homeowners" - how... executive order? legislation? we have seen how difficult the student loan fight is. detailed proposal link?
Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs
reasonable section with at least one defined commitment
"expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000" - detailed proposal link?
Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs
this section was a complete throwaway for me - no defined / specific goals.
Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care
reasonable section with multiple defined commitments
"...expanding and strengthening the Affordable Health Care Act" - with resistant state governors? future federal carrots and sticks? what are they? give me one thing I can shut down my Republican uncle with at thanksgiving
Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare
did my browser not render all of the text?!
Support American Innovation and Workers
first half touting biden-harris accomplishments - ok, fair.
specific legislation named - ๐
"...fight to raise the minimum wage, end sub-minimum wages for tipped workers" - this one is pretty important (micro, macro, all-ro), where are the $ amounts?
Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education
70% of this is retrospective - ok, fair, but...
every forward looking statement is nebulous.
Invest in Affordable Child Care and Long Term Care
mentioned american rescue plan - ๐
browser must not have rendered all of the text again, because... you know, nothing.
Lower Energy Costs and Tackle the Climate Crisis
no actual commitment made at all
"...record energy production" - this is the slickness I am talking about... via fossil or renewable? whats the mix? cant pin me down!
running out of time and space, but hopefully that gives you the gist of what I thought while reading.
Thanks for the breakdown - I see what you mean as far as her campaign linking out to specific proposals. I do think the majority of these promises are contingent on control of congress, which is nowhere near guaranteed.
its only Tuesday... let me be all hand wavey, damnit! but here goes...
tl;dr - a few specifics. lots of nebulous warm and fuzzies. leaves everyone to fill in blanks. we went through this recently with obama - and I don't like it.
Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families
Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable
Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs
Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs
Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care
Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare
Support American Innovation and Workers
Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education
Invest in Affordable Child Care and Long Term Care
Lower Energy Costs and Tackle the Climate Crisis
running out of time and space, but hopefully that gives you the gist of what I thought while reading.
edit: typos. formatting.
Thanks for the breakdown - I see what you mean as far as her campaign linking out to specific proposals. I do think the majority of these promises are contingent on control of congress, which is nowhere near guaranteed.