this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2024
82 points (97.7% liked)
Weird And Oddly Specific Playlists
1664 readers
20 users here now
a place for weird, unique, or oddly specific playlists. please read the pinned post here for a more detailed description
the rules:
- be civil. let’s try to keep our community as chill as possible. no bullying, zero tolerance for transphobia, hate speech or any of that bigoted bullshit.
- be content with the content. if someone didn't make a playlist the way you would, make your own and post it please. no bullying, no picking on, mocking or complaining about anyones playlist or musical tastes.
- remember: all music is good music to someone. general discussions about music you like and don’t like is fine, but please refrain from comments that will make someone feel bad about what they enjoy.
- no self-promotion. this is not a group for promoting your music or a business, website, app, instagram.. you get the idea. it's just playlists in here
founded 2 years ago
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I had this dumb idea last year after I noticed quite a few song titles started with "all my friends," decided to come back to it today and clean it up and reorder the songs to tell a story. Kinda. I mean, its a dumb story, let's be real here.
Runners up that didn't make the cut because their titles didn't start with exactly "All My Friends":
There are also a couple songs called simply "All My Friends" but I was going for the things all my friends are, or are doing, so those didn't get included either.
And there are multiple versions of some of them, as well as, I'm sure, a handful more songs that start with it that I didn't catch. If your very favorite song in the whole world starts with "all my friends" and I missed it, I'm sorry about that.
Hey OP this is great! Thank you for sharing it with us
Thanks, glad you like it!
Of all the posts I've ever seen here, I think this is the first by the creator.
This isn't true at all. If you go through the past posts you'll see many posters sharing their own playlists. And as for my posts; I was sharing other peoples playlists to keep the group active. And I was trying not to flood the group and make it about my personal playlists. I can never please anybody with this group I swear
I have more on my spotify but these are my original playlists I've shared here so far:
Here's a few, not by me, that are all playlists created by the poster:
Alright, totally fair.
I just remember the silly ones.
We were here to experience Lemmy's first OC!!!