this post was submitted on 17 Jul 2023
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You're being bullied for believing that we shouldn't accept other cultures and we should accept other cultures instead. You immigrate in my country? You're learning my language, my culture. Not vica versa.
I didn't get in your country, you did. It's not your action that lead you to that point.
I mean, think of it like somebody gets in your family's home, and suddenly you have to adjust to their standards, not vica versa. Isn't that weird?
Why do we not do the same for countries? Because ""we're empathetic""? No we're not empathetic, our governments just want cheap, illegal labor. Which means, stealing the cheap labor from legal people who already have it in need. Or our children who turned to an age that they can work and can learn basic principles of working.
Look at France right now. Look at Greece, where ~70% of the crimes are committed by non-Greeks. Obviously, coz these people came from a country that either threw them away or from a radical country that they learned to behave like that from there.
The statistics that I made for that are here Statistics - Google sheets
But apparently if you say that, you're racist. No, I dont care about those people. I'm not afraid of those people. I would happily be friends with any of these people. But they're from a different culture, different country, and there can't be no demand to appropriate to THEIR culture. They get in your country, they should appropriate to YOUR culture, not vica versa.
I agreed. Also the mindset that we should adapt to immigrants cultures hurts immigrants more. We should provide education and resources to help them adapt.
Who is forcing you to adjust to their culture? As far as I know, all you have to do is not directly hinder their ability to maintain their own culture in a new place. I think you might be overestimating what is expected of you.
No you come to my country you appropriate to my culture. Otherwise, as it happens nowadays, if 10, 20, 30% are Shahid then stay at a country where they appropriate the shahid culture. Why you come to a country where they appropriate the Christian culture? It’s just weird. Don’t you wanna be with your fellow Shahids? Or Jihads? We don’t have Mosques for those cultures, now what we have to build and occupy area for other cultures? Are from my country? For someone else’s culture? That’s just mixing culture until the (illegal 99% and no they’re not “refugees” as TV likes to call them) immigration becomes so high that you just made your culture mine by occupying space and minds of the land I used to live with your own mosques your own protest ideologies and you live mostly by crime because why else come from a country with no war and you’re illegally paying thousands to get on illegal boats to come to Europe.
Downvote me all you want. Ethics have blurred your minds because it makes you feel better person coz “you accept people with needs”. No man, they’re illegal immigrants who have no right to come here and we exploit them, we don’t help them, for cheap labor to the point where they start doing crimes.
I’ve made even an excel sheet from trustworthy sources (my country itself released those) where despite the non Greek people are less than 10%, like 700k if we exclude EU citizens, they produce 70% of the crimes. This, is a statistic. Not “an ethic” principle. Not soft science. Hard robust statistics.
So, no, I ironically from really leftist in terms of Immigration and helping those people, went to “fuck it, this has many flaws and these people learned to live a different way and they don’t come here to make ethical business”
I asked you a simple question and your response is a multiple paragraph practically incoherent rant about hating Muslims when no one mentioned them in the first place. But no, its me whose "Ethics have blurred". I'm the crazy one. Fuck off.
Rant? Muslims? Bro, Im talking about immigrants, and the statistics is right there. And you choose to ignore them. And you choose to insult me. And I'm the bad guy here? So you can feel better for feeling empathetic to illegal immigrants? Okay. Ignore the numbers, statistics, facts. Feel better with your empathetic human instincts so you can fill your ego about how better human you are by ignoring basic science.
Your arguments are just poorly written nonsense about not wanting mosques in your country. You try to source yourself to sound like your prejudice is reasonable, but your source is an excel sheet you supposedly made. At the very least you could be a slightly better person and admit that you simply hate Muslims and have nothing more of value to say. I won't argue with you anymore, its pretty obvious it won't get us anywhere.
They were clearly an religious example, not a rant against them. lol
If you have a religion, you usually require a mosque. A mosque requires HUGE amounts of money which is usually even provided by the government, employees which I pay from my taxes, area that could have been used for a playground or a park and yada yada. Then, you usually transfer your family, or friends, or other groups of the same immigrants. And usually done illegally "coz it works" and Europe lets it happen. Every single year. And suddenly you have a huge culture change and huge areas and taxes that are used for a completely different reason than what the actual citizens who actually used to live there, have been using them for.
This is not a rant, you translate it into a rant. It's a series of logical conclusions.
If every discussion on the internet is a rant for you because it makes you feel bad, then it's your issue my friend. I never insulted anybody.
I don't think you know what a mosque is.
I shouldn't encourage you by responding but you aren't making it easy for me.
Eh, obviously Im not a native speaker. Maybe I made a vocabulary mistake. But you get what I mean by "mosque". You dont have to make it harder for me by kind of being rude about it. Not everybody is a native english speaker you know, neither everybody knows perfect english.
I didn't know what you meant by mosque. I assumed you meant what the word mosque means, because that's how language works. You should learn what words mean before you say them, and if you make a genuine mistake, then admit it is your own fault. I cant be expected to decipher what you meant when you say things wrong.
It would be great if this was merely a vocabulary mistake and the whole thing was one big misunderstanding, but that doesn't quite make sense. If you never meant to bring up Muslims at all, then why did you misuse the Arabic words shahid and jihad. Shahid means a Muslim martyr, and jihad means a fight against the enemies of Islam. I'm not sure what you thought they meant, but you sure do misuse words relating to Muslims an awful lot. Do you seriously expect me to believe that you thought all 3 of those words have absolutely nothing to do with muslims, and were instead about religion in general; especially when you use every other word nearly perfectly?
bro, google mosque. and see what it will tell you.
You're literally dramatizing every bit of argument I make into pieces of paragraphs.
a) You say I do ranting, when I literally never insulted anybody and I just got into a series of logically placed conclusions even supported by national statistics. b) Now you complain about "bro wtf you dont know what mosque means?" like a grammar nazi. it's literally your only argument and you made a whole essay about it.
You're bad at discussing with people. Chill a bit.
I know what mosque means. It is a Muslim place of worship. Are we not clear on this?
As I said, if this is a misunderstanding, that would be great. If your point was simply that people building more things specific to their culture is a detriment to your country, then we could have a normal conversation about it.
My problem is that you said mosque, which is specific to Muslims. You also repeatedly misused two Arabic words relating to Islam. And you never once mentioned any other religion, or any secular group.
Now you are evading my questions about why. You completely ignored the most important part of what I said. Why do you only use muslim specific words when you talk about immigrants? If you still don't answer this then I'm giving up on talking to you.
Bro, are you aware, that Islam is literally the 2nd religion on earth right now with 2 billions of people? It's not like I'm talking about a minority here. lol. You're so offended that I'm looking at 2 billion people out of 8 on earth? Maybe you're the biased one? Not me?
edit: Plus Greece, where I'm from, is literally the next country right next to the Muslim ones? Like, it makes completely sense for a Muslim to travel to Greece to go to Europe? Like it doesn't get too much complicated logical conclusions to understand my view. Come on dude. Let's restart this conversation or just stop here.
So earlier you say you weren't talking about Muslims, now you say you were. Which is it?
Even if you had completely pure intentions, how could you possibly blame me for thinking you were prejudiced against Muslims after reading your first response?
your mental gymnastics. I said YOU are talking about the 2nd religion on earth. YOU. Like ... wtf your mental gymnastics to make me racist in front of your eyes. You've already decided. You dont need my arguments. lmao
Do you think I'm fucking stupid? You literally said you are talking about them.
As a Brazilian, you are forgetting that the reason why "3rd world countries" immigrate to "1st world countries" is because the latter exploited the former as colonies to the max: Brazil, India, Morocco, Senegal, Mexico, list goes on.
1st world countries only could deliver this level of wellbeing to their citizens because some countries were being exploited at the bottom.
When 3rd world citizens watch videos of people of their own country working for Ifood/Uber on the US and making 5x as much due to how shitty their national economy is, the decision to immigrate is obvious. It's really ironic if you think about it that 1st world countries have to pay out of their own pockets to rescue, give food, shelter and pay basic health care for descendants of people their own ancestors exploited