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The spirit is already moving at the same speed and in the same direction as the earth when it exits the body.
That's a fair point. So then one might expect the ghost to continue their motion tangential to the orbit of the earth, and so they'll float away.
However, the theory of general relativity suggests that gravity isn't really like other forces. It doesn't push or pull anything at all; but rather its bends the fabric of time and space. Objects 'falling' due to gravity, or 'in orbit' around a planet are actually moving in a direct straight line in curved space-time. And this is why gravity still applies to massless objects such as light. So then, I'd say the ghost would still be affected by gravity - and that their main concern would be falling into the earth rather than drifting away.
π this comment really amused me, i guess the basic physics plus ghosts in the same matter-of-fact statement
It is a bit absurd. Isn't it?
But that would imply that the ghost is a physical thing right?
Does it come to existence when we are born? Or does it appear when we die?
Does It behave like matter? If not, properties like velocity, inertia or energy wouldn't apply.
The comic is really amusing to bring forth these questions
Nah, it won't be perfect. Some, tiny divergent velocity will exist.
Depends on if fell to your death or maybe crashed into something while driving uphill.
Iβm imaging in all these jumpers passing each other in the earthβs core now.