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Cloud Imperium Games, the developer of Star Citizen, has mandated its developers to work seven days a week to meet deadlines for Citizencon on October 19th.


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Committed for Alpha 3.24.2:

  • RSI Zeus MkII CL
  • RSI Zeus MkII ES
  • MFD Rework and New Displays

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  • Bastien Cruette, Systems Designer II
  • Thorsten Leimann, Lead Systems Designer
  • Guilleremo Bilbao, Gameplay Programmer III


  • Resource Network will be used everywhere its possible (ships, land vehicles, outposts and space stations).
  • Resource Network is a replacement for the old Pipe System.
  • New system will allow for things like new types of Hydrogen fuel which affect thrusters in different ways.
  • New components coming with engineering:
    • Fuses
    • Life Support Generator
  • Engineering will be a start of moving away from ship HP pool and towards physicalized component HP.
  • Life Support system consists of:
    • Temperature
    • Atmosphere composition
    • Pressure inside a room
  • Components misfires might cause additional damage, make them stop working (temporarily of permanently), starting a fire or blowing up the whole ship (generators).
  • Initial release will have a limited number of misfires.
  • Damage penetration will be a temporary, simplified version of what will come with the physicalized damage. Certain types of weapons will penetrate the hull of a ship and damage components inside.
  • Damage penetration depends on weapon and ship armor.
  • We'll be able to repair fully destroyed components but not to 100% HP - that will require repairing the ship at LZ.
  • Only size 1-2 components can be replaced with a tractor beam.
  • Engineering screen shows:
    • Location of each component.
    • Connection between them.
    • Component status (HP).
    • Life support and Cooling status.
    • Component temperature.
    • Notifications about issues.
  • Fuel displayed on the engineering screen "will be relevant in the future".
  • You can lock the engineering UI to prevent changes from any other MFDs besides the engineering station.
  • Power Management presets will be a thing. They are locally stored and can be loaded on someone else's ship (the same type).
  • Doctor Benny (TARDIS) montage at the end.

This is the last ISC until Citizen Con.


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Moved into the Alpha 3.24 column, targeting a 3.24.X release:

  • Acidic Caves
  • Rock Caves
  • MFD Rework and New Displays

Added to Release View:

  • Argo ATLS

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  • Chad McKinney, Senior Lead Gameplay Engineer


  • Jared's head will be scanned for one of the games.
  • "When I said that (we're really close to releasing personal hangars) that doesn't mean we were close to going live."
  • ATC and transit were the most problematic parts to implementing the new hangar loop due to their age.
  • Transit is already in the process of rewriting, ATC will follow in the future.
  • Hooking personal hangars/cargo to the new mission system also shed light on some previously unknown problems with its implementation.
  • Since the 3.23.1 (later 3.24) patch was already late, they decided to spend more time on it to polish things and include some of the player feedback. They couldn't do more as they didn't want to cause a general delay for the rest of the company.
  • Chad wishes he'd split the functionalities more so they could deliver them faster and in a better state.
  • "In the original proposal of the item bank it works as it does now actually." (no drawer, just opens the old inventory UI)
  • Item kiosk UI will most likely stay as is (no drawer), just with all the improvements from the freight elevator kiosks (search and all the other stuff).
  • Answers from Rick Porter & Ian:
    • "We plan to add 'garage modules' so we don't intend to expand the pavement (of the personal hangars) but there should be more room for vehicles where you can basically add on modules and expand the hangars (...)"
    • "The plan is for personal hangars to be able to be customized and expanded in the future with addition of these modules (there's no finalized list of possible modules yet)."
    • They're planning to split the public and personal hangar decorations (cables and all the other garbage) to allow players to fully make the latter their own while keeping the public ones feel lived in/used.
    • We'll be able to move the freight elevator in our personal hangar when hangar customization modules are released.
    • Cargo decks need a significant rework as cargo gameplay approach has significantly changed since their implementation. They will be used in some way eventually.
  • ATLS tractor beam functionality will be an exclusive feature for now, there's ongoing discussion whether to copy it to other vehicles and handheld devices.
  • No bed logging from beds included in this year's Citizen Con goodie pack for now, overall work on bed logging and logging from hangars will happen in the future.
  • Hangar decorations being unruly is a problem with physics, more info in the last week's chat with Benoit. Will improve as server performance increases.
  • Option to put 1 SCU boxes into 8 SCU ones was removed due to issues on the delivery logic side (problems with delivery of nested objects). Will probably return in the future.
  • We'll be able to call our ships into other people's hangars eventually. There are still some technical and design problems to figure out before that happens.
  • ATC is probably the oldest system in the game.
  • Spawning vehicles from freight elevator is still planned.
  • They're looking into making the process of calling up your ship faster.
  • Chad haven't heard about hangar alarm (the one happening when spawning your ship) being a problem, there are no plans to adjust the volume or add an ability to turn it off at the moment.
  • They want to add support for manual loading for the Hull series and other ships that require docking. Improvements to automatic loading will come later.
  • Hover trolleys had some physics and game loop issues, they'll come back eventually.
  • Auto loading is planned to always be a thing but not for every object (not for mission cargo, some personal items).
  • Inventory search will include more item data/fields in the future.
  • Mining bags not working with freight elevators is a technical issue, they're aware of it.
  • There will be an option to spawn multiple ships at the same time in the future.
  • Option to name cargo boxes is still in design stage but it's planned.

No SCL next week, this one might be the last one until after Citizen Con.


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A few more details here, but definitely read through the known issues if you decide to hop in:

We are intending to leave this build up for up to 24 hours but could come down sooner if blocking issues occur.
This test will have each Stanton shard split into many authoritative zones. We are planning to start the test out at 1 DGS with 100 players as a baseline and increase this to add more DGS with 500 and then as high as 1000 players

Edit: An easy way to download this is just to rename your "LIVE" folder to "TECH-PREVIEW".


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  • John Crewe, Vehicle Director
  • Ben Curtis, Vehicle Art Director
  • Nathan Lange, Senior Vehicle Artist
  • Falko Poiker, Vehicle Designer Principal
  • Kevin Turenne, Vehicle Artist Senior I
  • Alexander Palmer, UI UX Designer III
  • Gabriel Hector, Systems Designer III
  • Joe Dines, UI UX Designer II


  • RSI Zeus MKII:
    • There's a front entrance (ladder).
    • "Zeus is an evolution on RSI style."
    • "It's a stepping stone ship."
    • ES (exploration) and CL (cargo) variants will release together.
    • It took a year to create.
  • MFDs:
    • Initial release of new ship MFDs will bring 5 styles (AEGIS, ANVIL, DRAKE, ARGO, generic).
    • Self status info will depend on active operator mode, there's a unique version for turrets.
    • Weapon status view is completely new.
    • Scanning and comms are moved to MFDs.
    • New diagnostics view with component health, errors and critical issues.
    • Bunch of settings will be adjustable from MFDs now (stuff like coupled mode toggle, g-safe, lag pips, casting to HUD etc).
    • Some visual changes to in-cockpit radars.

Lots of visuals so watch the episode for a full experience.


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Hi all,

As part of the ongoing development of vehicle systems, particularly with Resource Network and Engineering gameplay on the horizon, we've taken the opportunity to look across all our current vehicles ingame and revisit some of them in terms of both default item size and quantity.Reviewing both player feedback as well as analytics on usage and performance it was clear some ships/vehicles were underperforming and needed adjustment. Some vehicles were adjusted to bring them in line with others in their class to ensure competitiveness and some were adjusted because they simply had a abundance of power output that wasnt necessary anymore.

You may have noticed recent vehicle promotions and releases have strayed away from the typical max 1-2 Power Plants/Coolers/Shield Generators to higher numbers such as the Zeus and Retaliator having 4-6 Shield Generators for example and these updates will roll out similar changes across other ships and vehicles.

In addition to the changes below you can also expect handling & health changes to some vehicles to make sure they do not stray too far from their intended design behaviour, the Redeemer for example will get a buff in flight handling to compensate for the reduced shields and weaponry.

The following are the new default sizes/amounts for the specified item types per ship, e.g if something now says "1x S2 Powerplant" that means it now only has a single S2 Power Plant rather than gaining an additional S2 on top of its current Live loadout. Weapon changes are specifically listed for the relevant hardpoints.

AEGS Reclaimer

  • 1x S4 Cooler and 1x S4 Shield Generator

AEGS Redeemer

  • 6x S2 Shield Generators
  • Manned Turrets now 2x S4 Weapons

AEGS Vanguard

  • 1x Medium Power Plant (Sentinel has an additional Small Power Plant)

ANVL Carrack

  • 2x Large Power Plant

ANVL Gladiator

  • 1x S2 Power Plant, 1x S2 Shield Generator
  • Wing missile hardpoints now all S4
  • Wing weapon hardpoints now both S4

ANVL Hurricane

  • 2x S1 Power Plants

ANVL Valkyrie

  • 4x S2 Shield Generators
  • Remote Wing Turrets now 1x S4 Weapon

ARGO MPUV-1C & 1P 1x S0 Power Plant


  • 1x S3 Shield Generator


  • 3x S2 Shield Generators

CNOU Mustang Gamma & Omega

  • 1x S1 Shield Generator

CRUS Starlifter C2 & M2

  • 2x S3 Power Plants

CRUS Starlifter A2

  • 3x S3 Shield Generators

CRUS Star Runner

  • 1x S3 Shield Generator

DRAK Caterpiller

  • 3x S3 Shield Generators

DRAK Buccaneer

  • 1x S1 Shield Generator

DRAK Vulture

  • 3x S1 Shields Generators

ESPR Prowler

  • 4x S2 Shields Generators

MISC Freelancer (All)

  • 2x S2 Power Plants, 3x S2 Shield Generators
  • Manned Turret weapons now 2x S3


  • 1x S2 Shield Generator


  • 2x S3 Power Plants, 4x S3 Shield Generators

MISC Prospector

  • 3x S1 Shield Generators

MISC Starfarer (All)

  • 3x S3 Shield Generators

ORIG 350r

  • 1x S1 Power Plant

ORIG 400i

  • 1x S2 Power Plant, 1x S2 Cooler


  • Remote turret weapons now 2x S2


  • 1x S1 Shield Generator

RSI Constellation (All)

  • Manned Turret weapons now 2x S3

Thanks for reading and remember, all stats are subject to change.


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Link to Spectrum Thread about Feedback:

Direct link to the survey:

Deep dive video by Avenger One about Master Modes/combat:


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I'm hoping they implement a way to assign crimestat to players that "flick" cargo at other players or ships in armistace zones.


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From Wakapedia in SC-Testing-Chat:


We're getting closer. QA team is checking the build. Goal is 2x800 player meshed shards. Will update here shortly as we are hoping for sometime in the next 30 minutes if QA gives the greenlight!


  TECH-PREVIEW will be opening up shortly for a RMQ/Meshing Playtest!


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And for those that haven't heard of the Titan Suit before:


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🕹️(Tuesday) Goals for the week: We are currently working on further stability hotfixes for 3.24 LIVE with plans to roll out server hotfixes throughout the week. We are also currently putting together a new build for a Tech-Preview RMQ/Meshing test later this week!

Additional context:

I'll give more details once we have it all locked in for the test but goal is to be all backers tech-preview

-Waka (sc-testing-chat)


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CitizenCon 2954 Digital Goodies Pack Now Available - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

The goodie pack for last year's Citizencon was heavily Pyro themed.

The rewards this time around are tied to Citizen Day which (to me) is feeling a lot more Squadron 42 focused.

If we're lucky we might even get a potential release date, but I could easily see them specifying this as a "goal" rather than a hard release date...

Edit: A fellow org mate pointed out that the P8-AR was originally a SQ-42 campaign exclusive rifle.


It has been a while that I tried Star Citizen. With the new Neuralnet Tracker plugin (AI haha) for OpenTrack we get head tracking without annoying IR LEDs or reflecting stripes just by reading the webcam video feed. This is apparently fast enough to try head tracking without a dedicated head tracker nowadays. And all that on a Linux PC. Took some fiddling but the concept still works. What a time to be alive.



submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A very popular post criticizing the current state of 3.24 which has since gone missing (under the pretense of "brigading") - what better platform to continue the open and uncensored discussion on than Lemmy?

Original post: Here we go again. I deleted Star Citizen some months ago because I was tired of endless bugs, server issues, invisible asteroids, the Hull-C appearing in random places, and many other "beautiful" things Star Citizen could offer.

I thought, "Okay, let's wait for the next patch; maybe there will be improvements." (Silly me.) And yesterday, I installed it again.

The real greatness of Star Citizen developers is their unique ability to create more bugs in each new version than there were before.

First, the cargo elevators. After a couple of minutes of playing, I lost my first container, which fell through the floor.

After some painful minutes, I managed to load my 8 SCU container with some stuff from Orison and brought it to Seraphim. I placed the container into the elevator's grid and sent the elevator down.

And... my container vanished inside the greedy station. I searched for it in various interfaces for some time without any luck, and then I gave up. "Okay, let's do some bounty missions," was my next idea.

I accepted the ERT mission around Yela, and as you can guess, that was broken too. No mission marker appeared for the bounty. Maybe they decided to make the game so realistic that we have to find bounties in asteroid belts without any clues. But no, it’s just another bug.

"Okay then, maybe the cargo missions work?" So I accepted the trial haul mission to deliver 11 SCU from Seraphim to Orison. And guess what? Nothing worked again. The warehouse or the elevator had no idea of any mission. :)

So, we got another broken release. Even more things are broken, and new things simply don’t work. This is the start of a new cycle. Now, the backers will scroll through the spectrum, waiting for another "magic" release that will fix everything.

So basically, that’s how Star Citizen works.

And the "Shit of the Year" award goes again to Star Citizen.

I'm a developer myself and work in a company with a revenue of $7.0B in 2023. We created and support the API that is used by millions of US citizens. We create bugs as well—this is the unfortunate part of development. But people will simply stop paying if our API becomes too buggy or if we introduce more bugs than we fix with every new release. Because people are not idiots to pay for something broken.

That, of course, is with the exception of the most dedicated Star Citizen fans who are so loyal that they will downvote this post while eating a pile of shit from SC developers. Bon appétit, fellas. :)


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  • George Rankin, Senior Level Designer
  • Zac Preece, Senior System Designer I
  • Glenn Kneale, Level Designer I
  • Eddie Hilditch, Assistant Environment Art Director
  • Loek Gijsbertse, Lead Environment Artist


  • Reminder that Pyro is a free-for-all zone (yay for shootouts while shopping).
  • NPC will have improved "classes and archetypes".
  • Some locations will be marked as special zones where NPCs will stay during combat.
  • They hope server meshing will improve server FPS.
  • Incoming NPC classes:
    • "Techie": light armor, SMGs, more aggressive.
    • "CQC": shotgunners, even more aggressive.
    • "Juggernaut": heavy armor, LMGs.
  • NPC traits are coming.
  • One of the factions will have pet Kopions fighting alongside them.
  • Factions will differ in gear, combat skills and available quests.
  • New joinable factions:
    • Headhunters (more "rush" based combat, tier based armor: higher lvl = more tanky)
    • Citizens for Prosperity (accurate during combat, more "civilian" gear)
  • Both of the above fight against Xenothreat.
  • Xenothreat fights more cautiously and defensively.
  • More insight into some of the new settlements in Pyro.
  • 4.0 will add watchtowers for snipers (player and NPCs) to settlements.
  • Pico daleks confirmed?

Another combat focused episode, it's Pyro after all. Also reminder that 3.24 is out, albeit a bit broken for some.

Edit: Fixed the faction name.


3.24 is LIVE, what is your expierence? Is it worth the download?


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Progress Tracker finally got an update (only until the end of 2024) and there was a change in how things are tracked.

Release View:

  • Moved target release date of patch 4.0 to Q4.
  • Added "New Missions - Repair, Charge and Drain" to patch 4.0.
Retiring the Legacy Launcher (
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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Hi everyone!

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve your experience, we’ll be retiring our Legacy Launcher on October 1st, 2024. It’s been an incredible journey with the Legacy Launcher, but now it’s time to bring everyone together on the new and improved RSI Launcher 2.0.

Many of you are already familiar with and actively using Launcher 2.0, which we debuted about five months ago. To ensure you’re benefiting from all the latest features and improvements, if you haven't yet, we encourage you to make the switch to RSI Launcher 2.0 before the Legacy Launcher is phased out.

[Follow the link below to learn more about RSI Launcher 2.0.]

If you encounter any issues swapping over, don’t fret! Please take advantage of the Issue Council to submit a ticket, and make sure to include your logs (found under Application settings - “GET LOGS”). Our team is committed and ready to resolve any problems you might face. And over the next month, we’ll be closely monitoring your feedback to ensure the transition to the new Launcher goes as smoothly as possible.

As always, thank you for your continued support! We can’t wait for you to experience all the exciting new features coming with the RSI Launcher 2.0. Happy exploring, and we’ll see you in the 'verse!


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  • Kaan, Lead Level Designer
  • John, Level Designer II
  • Manuel, Senior Level Designer


  • "Asteroid bases are like bunkers 2.0" - more content space, more sandbox type of missions, more gameplay types.
  • Asteroid bases can also be worth visiting if you don't have a mission (there are puzzles and treasures).
  • Contested zones will have multiple entries from both interior and exterior of a station to limit bottlenecks.
  • At specific "depth" of a contested zone players can find exfiltration routes that will bring them back to a safe-zone. They are one way.
  • Reminder that contested zones are intended as a PvP space.
  • Jared: "Our job in those situations (griefing) is to find alternatives for the players who are suffering at the hands of PvP - provide ways they can counter it, provide alternatives that provide the same experience (...) When the player runs out of options and gets killed over and over again, that's when there's a problem."
  • There are 5 contested zones in Pyro at the moment, more or less evenly spread.
  • Some contested zones require specific items to access them.
  • Contested zones have short, mid and long term "branches" - the last one might requires items to access as well. Some of those items have to be gained from other places. Longer branches = better rewards.
  • Current plan for asteroid bases is to have both combat and "safer spaces" - not safe safe, as in PvP will be possible, but without enemy NPCs.
  • There will be functioning asteroid bases in the future, not in 4.0.
  • They'd like to implement less obvious traps in the future (like booby trapped chests etc), will have to be scanable or recognizable in some other way. (Jared wants a mimick)
  • Contested zones are created with 4-5 person groups in mind, up to 40 people per "dungeon".
  • Early sections of contested zones are soloable, deeper parts will require help.
  • Asteroid bases are always visible on the map (no need to find them/pick a mission to travel there). This might change later down the line.
  • "There's new stuff coming to Stanton in 4.0."
  • Pet Kopion variant coming in 4.0 (NPC owned only for now).
  • Contested zone difficulty will vary depending on depth and on which station you're in.
  • SC didn't have the tech to distribute player rewards for doing in-game things until recently (Operation Overdrive).
  • Ghost Arena was inspired by the "Running Man".
  • Current (deserted) asteroid bases have no official landing places (pads, hangars) available. Future ones will act as gas stations with place for small-medium ships, might have docking tubes for bigger ones.
  • Asteroid bases are done partially by hand instead of fully procedurally (they use hand made room sets instead of randomizing each room individually).
  • No gravity or power manipulation for contested zones initially, there are key cards and fuses though.
  • Contested zones will offer rewards unavailable in any other way. Provided example was ship components (military, stealth, competition ones, only certain variants not all).
  • 4.0 will finally bring back ship components making a difference to ship performance.
  • You'll have to use freight elevators to extract larger loot from contested zones.
  • Asteroid bases aren't planned as a step towards player owned locations ones at the moment.
  • Contested zones will be regularly updated as new items and systems come online.
  • Some locations in contested zones will have time pressure elements (timed gates, respawning and patrolling AI etc).
  • There are 3 variants of asteroid bases (combat, puzzle mixed) at the moment.
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