A community for discussing the relationship between Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series!
Rule 1: No Doxxing/Sharing of Personal Info Sharing someone else's personal information is not permitted, regardless of intention. (Users assume total liability in choosing to share/not share their own personal information, however.)
2 Rule 2: No Trolling/Shitposting/Bashing Posts deliberately designed to cause drama/bash various characters are not permitted. Trolling posts are not permitted. Note that user post history is a matter of public record.
3 Rule 3: No Hate Speech No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or other such hate speech.
4 Rule 4: No Unrelated Posts All posts must relate to the Ron and Hermione pairing.
5 Rule 5: No Personal Attacks Disrespect of other users is not tolerated. Disagreements are bound to happen, but they should generally remain polite and respectful in nature.