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A community for discussing the relationship between Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series!

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2 Rule 2: No Trolling/Shitposting/Bashing Posts deliberately designed to cause drama/bash various characters are not permitted. Trolling posts are not permitted. Note that user post history is a matter of public record.

3 Rule 3: No Hate Speech No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or other such hate speech.

4 Rule 4: No Unrelated Posts All posts must relate to the Ron and Hermione pairing.

5 Rule 5: No Personal Attacks Disrespect of other users is not tolerated. Disagreements are bound to happen, but they should generally remain polite and respectful in nature.

founded 4 days ago

I absolutely hate cheating but I loved this fic so much!!!! I want to see Ron's characterization like that again in other fics.

Have you read it?

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I remember reading this fanfic about ron meeting hermione's parents. the whole thing was a chess metaphor and hermiones dad and ron played a chess game when they met for the first time in which ron won. it was a lovely fic and I can't seem to find it.



Which fanfic has the hottest Ron, according to you?


Best Romione fics with Domestic Fluff, Please.

Any recs are appreciated :)


I've been wondering for a while. As a staunch Ron defender, I can think of a thousand things he's done good and right. Be it as a friend or more. There was even a recent post listing out the things they want to see Ron doing in the new show and I was so happy with that list!

I was wondering - what are the things Hermione has done to deserve Ron? To make us feel the feels about them?

Romione was my first ship ever so there must have been reasons why I felt she was good for him. But I've been so focused on defending Ron to movie fans that I can't remember any significant details.

Can yall help me with a few moments?


Ron and Hermione have to clean our Filch office.

Hermione then gets cut on the foot with a potion that basically puts her in heat, and Ron has to have sex with her.

Ron was still with Lavender at the time.

Hermione also gets in trouble for hitting Ron.