Get Motivated!

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Welcome to /r/GetMotivated! We're glad you made it. This is the subreddit that will help you finally get up and do what you know you need to do....

founded 2 years ago
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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/kuyastibsk on 2023-12-15 20:50:51+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/kuyastibsk on 2023-12-15 20:50:51+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/TolaOdejayi on 2023-12-15 20:40:50+00:00.

It's definitely better than reading those images with platitudinous text.

I hope we get to see more of these!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Roach2112 on 2023-12-15 20:22:11+00:00.

I'm a totally new person after less than 60 days

It's incredible. I have to share.

Turning 60 in the new year. Separated after a 20 year marriage last year.

In October, decided to remove ALL my shitty habits and start new ones.

No more weed, wine, porn, fast food, negative self-talk, toxic 'friends', late nights, mindless surfing and snacking.

Added daily; intermittent fasting (only eat noon to 6), meditating (30 minutes guided every morning), journalling, walking 5-10k, stretching, listening to helpful podcasts and reading a lot.

Not gonna lie, being unable to numb my mind was rough at first (still is) but never had a debilitating craving for any of the old habits. Not once.

Lots of tears and missed parties but I stuck with it.

So far...I've lost 15 lbs, along with a bunch of people (and ideas) that were not adding any value to my life. I've finally got the willpower and motivation to set boundaries (just say no) and tune out negative shit. Sleeping better too (usually).

2024 is looking good.

Good luck folks. Positive habits lead to big changes. You can do it too.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/EERMA on 2023-12-15 19:54:20+00:00.

There’s little we can control in the world. Other people, the stock market, weather, or world events are outside of our influence. However, we can control ourselves, and that’s all we need to control. Changing our inner world leads to the changes we wish to see in our lives.

It may be hard to believe that changing our thoughts or attitude can make us healthy, wealthy, and wise. However, making inner changes can have dramatic effects on every part of our lives.

Enhance your life by making these internal changes:

How you view failure. Do you view failure as an embarrassment? Is it something you should avoid at all costs?

● What if you viewed failure as simply a step along the way to success? Failure just means that the approach you used didn’t work. It’s an opportunity to re-think your process and try again. If you keep learning and making improvements, how can you possibly fail in the long-term

● The way you view adversity plays a big part in your overall wellbeing. How do you view setbacks? – are they personal, permanent and pervasive or temporary situations to be built upon? What view would be most useful to you?

Values. Suppose someone valued charity, kindness, and modesty. What type of life would they lead? Suppose someone else valued freedom, adventure, and courage. Now, suppose a third person valued money, power, and greed. It’s easy to see how these three people would lead very different lives.

● What are your values? Do they support the life you want to live? Or, is your life in line with your values?

Beliefs. Beliefs frame how you view the world. What you believe about yourself may be limiting. Beliefs evolve through time: do you believe the same about Santa Claus now as you did when you were six years old?

● List some of your beliefs about the world, yourself, and life in general. How are those beliefs helping or hurting you? What beliefs would be helpful for you to develop and enjoy the life you desire?

Attitude. Do you expect things to work out for you, or are you primarily pessimistic? You’ll be less likely to try to do something if you have negative expectations. A positive attitude can help with your patience and ability to persevere when things aren’t going well.

● Consider how your attitude is impacting the results you’re generating in your life.

Gratitude. Giving yourself a reminder of what is already working in your life can positively impact your attitude and expectations. It can also reduce anxiety and benefit your perspective.

● Take a few minutes from time to time to list the things you’re grateful for. Notice the small things – they’re often, actually, the big things!

Thoughts. Our thoughts are under our control, though it might not seem that way. It’s easy to prove this to yourself. You can choose to think about an ice cream cone or a green cow. You can choose to think about anything you like.

● It’s valuable to take control of your thoughts. If you’re predominately thinking about negative outcomes, you’re going to struggle.

● Monitor your thinking, keep things in perspective. Note those recurring, unhelpful, thoughts: challenge yourself to challenge yourself.

Changing yourself internally can support you in living your best life. Without making those inner changes, any behavioural changes are likely to be superficial. You’ll be constantly fighting yourself – and that’s hard work!

Inner changes align your thoughts with your behaviour: you with the world around you.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/swertarc on 2023-12-15 16:46:00+00:00.

Push even a little more. There's been so many times in my life when I feel like I can't continue, it's too hard, I can't do it alone, I'm exhausted and lonely. Then I push because I have no other alternative and every single time I have discovered I have more strength than what I could have ever imagined.

Push just a little more and you'll realize that you can and how much can handle. Push a tiny bit, make that call, reach out to that friend and you'll realize the strength never actually runs out.

Push a drop more and one day you'll wake up, look behind and see an ocean of tiny pushes behind you, a thousand steps, conceding in one big hooray

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Phuckaq on 2023-12-15 04:52:16+00:00.

It is the end of the year, I completely failed myself. :(

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Phuckaq on 2023-12-15 04:52:16+00:00.

It is the end of the year, I completely failed myself. :(

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/modvenger on 2023-12-14 22:59:55+00:00.

Usually when people say “i’m broke”, you get the gist. But, it’s been a long uphill battle fighting to win custody as a dad for my son. Then, losing my job, toss in huge amount of debt, and sprinkle in almost losing my apartment from lack of money. I noticed myself recently looking to pick up things off the ground. I’ve ate half eaten food people left at a bench. When no one was looking today, i ate food people threw out. I had to tell my son I can’t afford candy he wanted at the grocery.

After a month or so from my job, looks like i’m coming up for air, as I finally got help from government. I even teared up when i got my first “free” groceries. I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I know I just have to wait the long game until the courts can overturn my ex’s fake allegations. I know it gets better but i keep reaching these spurts of feeling so hopeless. Like an endless video game to grind without a level up.

I know I’m doing everything i can and I am proud of myself, but how do you combat this endless feeling of pain. I meditate at times but even that feels losing it’s effects.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2023-12-15 03:18:02+00:00.

Well, Only your misperceptions stand in your way.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/MJdigi_Mark on 2023-12-15 03:18:02+00:00.

Well, Only your misperceptions stand in your way.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Obese_Ape on 2023-12-14 23:42:35+00:00.

How to Get Past Crippling Regret?

I wasted a lot of time and destroyed a really great relationship all from my dumb assery, now I’m trying to just pick up the pieces of my life and move forward, but it has been really hard, some days are great and I feel ready to conquer the world, others I just am wallowing in despair about all the horrific things I did (I was an raging alcoholic, currently sober for 2+ months).

The regret gets so bad that I’m crippled and literally can’t move in absolute despair thinking about how awful I am. This will last for a day or two, and then I try to get back on track but ultimately spiral back over and over again.

Any advice?

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Obese_Ape on 2023-12-14 23:42:35+00:00.

How to Get Past Crippling Regret?

I wasted a lot of time and destroyed a really great relationship all from my dumb assery, now I’m trying to just pick up the pieces of my life and move forward, but it has been really hard, some days are great and I feel ready to conquer the world, others I just am wallowing in despair about all the horrific things I did (I was an raging alcoholic, currently sober for 2+ months).

The regret gets so bad that I’m crippled and literally can’t move in absolute despair thinking about how awful I am. This will last for a day or two, and then I try to get back on track but ultimately spiral back over and over again.

Any advice?

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Significant_Bite_857 on 2023-12-14 21:21:52+00:00.

Recently talked to someone who believe that the US is internally at the brink of civil war and that the whole world order will change once the 2ar Starts. That induced fear in me, as I want to work in international development programs at the UN. Help me break this view Down and bring my thoughts back on the track towards my Goal, as I will start university next year to start my educational pathway towards my dream job.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Significant_Bite_857 on 2023-12-14 21:21:52+00:00.

Recently talked to someone who believe that the US is internally at the brink of civil war and that the whole world order will change once the 2ar Starts. That induced fear in me, as I want to work in international development programs at the UN. Help me break this view Down and bring my thoughts back on the track towards my Goal, as I will start university next year to start my educational pathway towards my dream job.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/CatGorillaMan on 2023-12-14 20:14:59+00:00.

How did you enjoy to learn hard work? I'm talking specifically about people who used to be lazy and now have trained their brains to enjoy hard work, not people who learned to tolerate hard work and not anybody who doesn't actually enjoy hard work.

Kind of like how I used to hate the gym with a passion and now I love it, how can I train myself to love being a hard worker?

Please don't say something like "the job doesn't care about you so you should do the bare minimum, blah blah blah" or something like that.

I'm literally just interested in people who genuinely went from lazy and hedonistic to people who actually enjoy hard work and how they got there!

Thanks for sharing!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/CatGorillaMan on 2023-12-14 20:14:59+00:00.

How did you enjoy to learn hard work? I'm talking specifically about people who used to be lazy and now have trained their brains to enjoy hard work, not people who learned to tolerate hard work and not anybody who doesn't actually enjoy hard work.

Kind of like how I used to hate the gym with a passion and now I love it, how can I train myself to love being a hard worker?

Please don't say something like "the job doesn't care about you so you should do the bare minimum, blah blah blah" or something like that.

I'm literally just interested in people who genuinely went from lazy and hedonistic to people who actually enjoy hard work and how they got there!

Thanks for sharing!

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Dark-GV on 2023-12-14 11:55:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Dark-GV on 2023-12-14 11:55:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Glad-Room5715 on 2023-12-14 05:06:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/rebordacao on 2023-12-13 22:15:29+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Glad-Room5715 on 2023-12-14 05:06:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/rebordacao on 2023-12-13 22:15:29+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Remarkable_Peak_2301 on 2023-12-13 20:49:53+00:00.

Have any of you managed to do this? How it was?

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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Remarkable_Peak_2301 on 2023-12-13 20:49:53+00:00.

Have any of you managed to do this? How it was?

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