I can't even keep up with the movies and TV shows I want to watch.
Spaceballs over Blazing Saddles?
Mullholland Drive is fucking fantastic and I almost put it on the list over Blue Velvet. I'm sure this will forever be debated by film nerds as long film nerds continue to exist. There's something about that heightened, unreal 80's vibe in Blue Velvet, plus what a fuckin' cast. I also like the "dark side of a quaint small town" theme, which reminds me of his work in Twin Peaks a bit, where Mullholland Drive feels more like he's expressing more a criticism(?) of the place Hollywood occupies in the cultural consciousness. I'm a sucker for a suburban dystopia, it feels more relatable. Ultimately though, Mullholland Drive feels like a second take on the same kind of ideas, and it's glossier and more plotty, but I personally I like the smaller, more raw version. Lynch was a master of the medium and almost all of his films are either outright masterpieces or at least incredibly artistic curiosities.
Yes the fan edits are great and this one is my favorite as well. As far as I'm concerned this is the definitive version and is now a part of my rewatch marathons. It's not just a re-edit, they fix the color grading and add film grain to match LOTR's look and some clever effects to actually change some frames. Really well done.
ABCB dude.
And Airplane!
My top 3 best (but not favorite) movies:
- Rear Window
- The Thing (1981)
- Singin' In The Rain
This is hard. In the discussion:
- Vertigo
- RoboCop (1987)
- Alien
- Back to the Future
- Schindler's List
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Toy Story
- Mad Max: Fury Road
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Blue Velvet
- It's A Wonderful Life
- The Lion King (1994)
- The Iron Giant
- so, so many more I need to watch or rewatch or just can't think of right now
Good call on your picks, all three masterpieces, and two of the three your friend picked definitely qualify. Shawshank is a fine movie but doesn't belong among the greatest films ever made, imo. I think it just played on TV constantly in the late 90s and early 00s so people have affection for it.
I am about 40 years old, for context.
Heat is a good pull, Michael Mann honks.
Didn't Trump already do this last time? I seem to remember a lot of our intelligence assets dying suddenly after meeting with Putin or something?
It's not my job to know what the powers he has are. That's why I'm not in his position. It's well within my rights to demand my government do it's damn job. If him keeping his job means nothing, why do we care in the first place?
I dunno but one would hope he'd take advantage of this decision as effectively as he can, given that his office fights corruption and is threatened by said corruption. It'd be nice for something to matter.
Kikuri is my favorite.
New season of Bocchi the Rock announced today!