[-] [email protected] 65 points 9 months ago

How to spy for China and not get pregnant


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'll be going overseas soon to visit and stay with my cousins for a few weeks. I'm fairly close to them and we get along well, so it's not a problem interacting with them, as a generally shy and introverted person. However, I've absolutely no idea how to interact with their kids (3 and 7 years old). I've never been good with kids. I can't make funny faces, speak "goo goo ga ga" nor play with them or entertain them in any fashion. I mean, I could try, but it's just not in my nature, and it'll come across as really fake and forced.

Mind you, I don't hate kids, I just never interacted with them in any sort of extended fashion. I keep my distance from them and don't want nothing to do with kids in general. I don't find kids cute or funny or cuddly or anything of that sort, on the contrary, I find kids annoying and avoid them. I don't care about them to the point that I won't even ring my niblings and wish them a happy birthday, if I wasn't forced to by my family (and I usually try and weasel out of it by coming up with some excuse).

In saying all that, the reason why I'm asking this question is because I don't want them to grow up hating me or thinking of me like I'm that "weird uncle", cause maybe in the future, when I become old, I may have to rely upon them for whatever reasons. Like if I look at myself now, I have a good relationship with my elderly aunts and uncles, and they rely upon me for various things - mostly technical help, but even just in general if I'm ever visiting them I help them out wherever I can. Plus I enjoy conversing with them and learning of their various life experiences. I would like to have a similar amicable relationship with my niblings when I grow old, but I can't help think that I'm pushing them away due to my shy and introverted nature.

And as a reference, I have another cousin who's the exact opposite of me: typical extrovert alpha male type. He treats his niblings as if they were his own kids, like he does the airplane with them, takes them out for treats or other fun outdoor activities etc etc, and actually has conversations with them. I mean, that's all pretty cool I guess, but that's just not me. I do not intend to be like that.

I guess what I'm after is, what's the absolute minimal sort of interaction I can have with them, which won't feel too forced or fake or in-your-face (like definitely no "goo goo ga ga" stuff please), whilst still keeping up appearances and making me come across as a "he's a good uncle I guess, but just a bit quiet and shy" type of person? I've tried having "grown up" style small talk with them (like how's your day going, or stuff about the weather) and obviously that didn't work out too well. So I'd also appreciate stuff that I can talk to them about, like actual dialogues if possible, which won't seem fake or forced coming out of me, a shy and introverted person.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I can't speak much about the money making stuff, but I've read that most music artists make the majority of their income through touring and ticket sales for their live performances at venues, music festivals as well as attending other private events etc - and this goes back to even pre-Spotify days. So Spotify not paying artists well doesn't really make a big difference. In fact, I'd argue that Spotify actually brings artists publicity, much like how mp3 sharing did back in the day, or the radio for that matter. I've discovered many artists via radio back in the day, much like how I discover them today via Spotify's recommendations, and personally, I don't see the issue.

Anyways, as a former audiophile, I've decided to choose convenience over perceived audio quality, so I use Spotify. Mind you, it's not like I don't perceive any difference at all, but the point is, for my day-to-day listening, it makes little difference - especially when most of my listening is in generally noisy environments like at work or during my commute. Also, Spotify streams at 320kbps Ogg Vorbis (on a good connection) - you'd need to have really good ears and gear to actually hear a difference between that and an uncompressed stream. Even then, it's not like it makes a difference if you're say just listening to pop and rock music or something.

It's not like I've completely given up on lossless audio - I do use my audiophile gear when I'm in the mood and want to listen to certain tracks like say some of Pink Floyd atmospheric stuff like in A Momentary Lapse of Reason, or say John Williams, or classical music like Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi, but these are just a small fraction of my listening experience.

So if you are blessed with the ears and gear to actually make out the difference between 320kbps ogg vs FLAC/DSD, AND you listen to the kind of music where it really matters AND you care enough about that difference that it affects your enjoyment - then sure, go for Tidal. Otherwise, there's no point.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 9 months ago

There’s no such thing as odd socks. They’re called mix ‘n’ match socks now. Like Mashems!

Or just get black socks and don't worry about mixing and matching.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 9 months ago

This. Reading this thread makes me sad and wonder where I went wrong in life.

Maybe I shouldn't have chosen IT as a career. Or maybe my parents shouldn't have sent me to an all-boys school, which made me shy and awkward around girls even in my later years. Maybe I should've fooled around in my college and uni days, instead of concentrating on my studies. What did all my efforts get me? What was I even working so hard for? Forget being in a relationship, I haven't even kissed a girl yet. Sigh.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Building a top-end gaming PC. It was always my dream as a kid to have a beast of a PC, with an overclocked top-end CPU, maxed out RAM, full custom water cooling, battery-backed hardware RAID etc. And I built it a few months after I got my first proper job. I was super hyped for it - now I could play all the games I wanted to, without paying any attention to the system requirements. I even bought almost all the games I could never buy as kid, bought every single Humble Bundle etc. I was living the dream that kid me dreamt of.

Except, the reality of adult life struck me, and it struck me hard. After a hard day's work (we did 10 hour shifts at the time + overtime), I found myself too tired to actually game. I really didn't want to sit in front of a PC again after spending 10+ hours in front of one at work. Also, due to the nature of my job (service desk), I developed carpal tunnel, so that put me off gaming even more. In a couple of years, I almost completely gave up on gaming due to my carpal tunnel, tiredness and lack of time. As I switched to other carpal-tunnel-friendly hobbies like watching anime and reading manga, I completely stopped using my PC, and it just kept collecting dust in the corner. I just couldn't face the reality that I was no longer a gamer, no longer young. And I couldn't bear to sell it off either, it was my first proper, gaming PC afterall, built with my sweat and blood. So it still stands solitarily in a corner today, a sad reminder of my youth that is no more.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago

Our school banned us from speaking our native languages (if it wasn't English). Basically everyone had to speak in English even during breaks, and if we were caught speaking our native language, we would be fined.

This was a very orthodox, boys-only Christian school, so there were a lot of things they did back then that would seem strange now.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not to go to the strip club when drunk. I blew like $5k in one weekend, never going back again (at least, not when I'm drunk).

[-] [email protected] 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I'm not too familiar with India's politics, but what does the BJP have to do with this incident? And how will changing parties solve these issues - is there any political party in India that's actually good and not corrupt? I heard corruption is pretty common across all of the government sector, regardless of the party in power?

[-] [email protected] 61 points 10 months ago

The most effecient way is to NOT peel potatoes. Why would you ever want to peel them? Potato skin is yum and rich in nutrients, whereas the flesh is mostly carbs. By throwing away the skin, you're not only wasting nutrients, you're getting rid of the texture and fiber it adds.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 10 months ago


They're called Kaomoji btw.


[-] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago
[-] [email protected] 28 points 11 months ago

"So when are you going to buy a car / house / get married / have kids? "

All of which I'm not interested in. Just leave me be and let me do my own thing. Being single, free of debt, and enjoying life shouldn't be seen as an abnormal thing.

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