
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

"These"? "Do"? Could you explain what you're talking about more please?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

You cannot run the perchance AI locally, because it's all on the server. You can download perchance generators but the AI aspects of those generators will not work when run locally.

So you'd need to make your own thing to interface with whatever AI generators you've got on your machine, yourself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Use a different emotion in the prompt I guess?

Something to remember though is that all words affect the generated image. So unless you've actually locked in how the character looks with other words in the prompt, using a different emotion word may change some aspect of how the character looks as well.

You could also use the BREAK keyword, which cuts the string of meaning. So then you can have one word relating to one part of the prompt but not other parts of the prompt. The classic example is blue dress yellow hat can produce various elements in the image being blue or yellow... vs blue dress BREAK yellow hat which would make only the dress blue, and only the hat yellow. (In theory.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I don't know, seems to work okay for me. Could you give me a link to what you're working on so I can see it not working?

Normally this is kinda redundant: quality = [qua = rarityTier]. You could just do qua = [rarityTier] instead.

Know that setting it to rarityTier will just reference that list object, not a selected item from that object. If you wanted to select a random item and find the odds of that, you'd want to use rarityTier.selectOne instead.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Perchance doesn't really have documentation, I wouldn't even call it that 😅 By no means is there any exhaustive documentation on pretty much anything to do with Perchance. Not written by the dev anyway. It's all very temp and WIP and partial and incomplete.

I've made my own documentation for it, to my own standards. But haven't touched things like AI generation. I would just send people to the page of whatever model/tech I'm using and let them do their own research there, instead of trying to cover everything myself in a document.

I think this is just how Stable Diffusion works. There's always some "noise" to the system, even using the same seed.

As I said, bringing it up is totally fine. And they should amend it to be more accurate. And looks like they have, from the comment they left here.

I didn't say it's "valid to put in as documentation." Just that I know what happened. It happened because a) the dev is not a documentation writer, b) is making this platform up as they go along (I'm sure they'd agree), and that's their passion, not writing about it, and c) they probably wrote it in a hurry so they could move on to something else that interested them more and it was good enough so they called it a day. Oh, and it's not really to the level of "documentation" of the AI generator; I don't think that was the intent necessarily.

This isn't a professional outfit, know what I mean? 😅 So basically... these things happen. 🤷 Also... yes, helping them pick up on these issues is good; they just need our help to do that.

Don't read my response as "there's nothing wrong with what you pointed out." But responding to the idea that it was written to be "false and misleading." It wasn't written to be false and misleading, it just turned out that way. 😅 Like a typo in a book wasn't put there maliciously, it just wound up being there, and the process of editors and proofreaders it went through didn't pick up on it before now. Nothing on perchance has been through editors and proofreaders even--so you're going to see mistakes like this. That were not maliciously or purposefully false or misleading. They're just simple mistakes.

On top of that, maybe that wasn't what you intended to come across, but just the wording made it sound accusatory like that. So naturally, if that perceived accusation is not true, you're going to see some defense against such an accusation. I think that's all that's going on here.

That's what I was saying about "inaccurate." That word doesn't have any connotation of wrongdoing or malintent. "False" and "misleading" do, however. See what I mean? If not that's fine. Just explaining how what you thought I was saying about acceptability of the problem isn't accurate either. 😜

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Yeah. Just the way you wrote your post it sounded like some heinous, egregious sin, that the write of that page is lying to us or something.

It's not 100% accurate, but an understandable simplification--in most cases the differences are incredibly minor. They could edit it to be more accurate, fair enough. But it's not as evil or outrageous as it seemed reading your post 😅

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

How would you reword it? "The exact same seed and prompt and negative prompt produces highly-similar images." Something like that?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

You should use the dev tools in your browser to figure this out. In the sources tab of dev tools, turn on "break on caught error" and see if you can get to the line that looks like that one it printed out in that message. That'll help you figure out what code is breaking.

Presumably it's in the dynamic importer plugin, so you could just look in that plugin's code on the site, and see where that is, and find out what's gone wrong that way.


Helper functions to add and remove children from a Perchance list.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My newer generators are not having their screenshots generated. https://perchance.org/perchance-object-reference

Though this one works somehow: https://perchance.org/list-management-plugin

They're using the same formatting and scripts for the page as all my others.


Currently it's quite fiddly, making sure all the keys/names arrays are up to date so it still functions as expected.

If it used a set and delete handler it could handle all that internally. Or if there was some special methods we could use like .addValue() and it would figure out what kind of value it is--property, node, function--and handle it correctly.

Of course, I'm working on a plugin now to handle this for people. 😜


There's a lot of stuff that becomes real fiddly to do because they are not iterable... that would be real easy to do if they were iterable. I believe there's a proxy "trap" for iterating over properties somewhere in there.


This plugin overrides the device's color scheme, but uses the existing styles. No changing of styles is needed whatsoever; it just works.


Most likely SUPER not a priority. But you know me 😅


The "go" button updates the entire page. As the options are generated this means they are re-generated, which means the chosen option resets, and you can only ever test the top option: Painted Anime.

Simple fix though: put a div with an id around the generations, then update that div only. That's all that needs updating anyway.


As we have ignorePerchanceErrors() and clearPerchanceErrors(), seems fair to have this function too, for public use.


Would be useful to be able to see the images just in the page so we don't accidentally delete the wrong one, stuff like that. I know we can click on the link, but this would just be a nice feature to make it easier.


Another day, another learn...ing...s.

This covers everything from how to start editing/making a generator, to writing perchance code. (The more web-y stuff are covered in my other tutorial.)


Seems to be related to this: ___htmlToElements(). It takes a string which is the text, ignoring the fact that HTML entities are not normal characters and should not be interpreted as normal HTML. For example, &lt; will be interpreted as < which can open a tag.

Example: https://perchance.org/qzi72h52te#edit

So if an element contains any perchance code, and HTML entities, the HTML entities are essentially lost and become real characters. Which isn't what you want if you're trying to present plain-text code to the user.

Definitely does not work as expected at least.


For example, I'm linking to the Learn tab but that doesn't actually open the Learn tab.


No error message makes it to the display.

In the console there is:

Critical error in __createPerchanceTree: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')

And in the error messages there's just this:

Your generator's script seems to have errors in it. If you haven't recieved any other errors above this one which could indicate what went wrong, then this could be a bug in the Perchance engine. *etc...*

("recieved" should be "received" by the way 😜)

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