
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Just caught up with this series today and it seems like our main pair is finally having a bit of a heart to heart. We still haven't found out who the little boy was, but Yuri probably came over as a result of her writing to him about it. My guess is that it was a spirit, but I am guessing we will find out more soon.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

This is a series I have kept up with but haven't been posting about. I have liked it, but don't love it...yet. I think there is potential there, but it hasn't really broken any new ground yet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Oh man, making both options when I can't decide is absolutely something I do. I don't know about udon for breakfast though. I am just not strong enough apparently.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I think Usagi is a good addition to the stuco fray. Also, this whole setup is kind of weird isn't it? Saotome is incentivized not to even try at all. The easiest way for him to not get the majority vote is to simply not campaign. Also also, if the girls really wanted to beat Saotome, why are so many running? You all know how first past the post voting works, right? You are splitting the non-Saotome vote.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I am pretty sure the plan is to write a spinoff series about all the things that Kuzuhana is up to when the events of the main series are happening. I can only imagine the interesting life she must be leading elsewhere to allow all these girls to move in on her crush.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Love pasta is a great way to describe this.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Here for another week of this messy, messy love...shape? It's not really just a triangle anymore. There are outsiders interested in the different corners of the starting triangle now, so I don't even know what the shape would be anymore.

To think that this whole, messy situation could have been avoided had Rumi not broken up with Jun in the first place. She is putting Jun in an awful spot. He is simply trying to respect the boundaries that she had placed on him by redefining their relationship. He doesn't deserve the anger that she is directing towards him. However, ever the loving sister, Naori is there to lend a shoulder to cry on, while she twists the knife in Rumi's feelings.

I think that, no matter how this situation resolves itself, Rumi will look back on everything and realize that Reira was right about it all. The poor girl is giving Rumi the right advice every step of the way, but Rumi keeps refusing to take it.

@[email protected]

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I actually liked this episode more than some of the other recent ones. We actually got some quality Alya/Masachika time together. It was really nice to see him put on the back foot for once with Alya's assertiveness.

One thing I noticed this episode was Masha being concerned about what she had done while under hypnosis. I think she might have been concerned that she told Masachika that it was her that he spent time with and spoke Russian with as a child.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Perfect screenshot! Gramps was awesome this episode. You can really tell where Masachika gets his sass from.

recognize Alya’s mom due to his grandson being childhood friends with Masha

I had the same thought. Especially after Masha was concerned earlier this episode that she might have spilled the beans while under hypnosis (I think).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Trigger warning before watching the PV: if you are prone to motion sickness, you should probably avoid watching it. Studio GoHands made the most GoHands-iest PV I think I have ever seen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I just binged this series and it is cute as can be. Totally giving me Horimiya vibes. I have been loving it so far.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

So glad to see lessons being learned from last time. And, who better to play a believable Ruby in a sting operation than Detective Akane? Finally, I am really glad that we are not done with the Hikaru storyline. If the revenge plot ended here, then it would have been mightily unsatisfying.


No date announced yet. The new PV is here. Check out the Crunchyroll article for additional cast/staff information. Synopsis from AniList:

The protagonist, Yaiba (Kurogane Yaiba), is a wild samurai boy who trains in the jungle with his father, Kenjuro! By chance, Yaiba returns to Japan, where he meets his rival Takeshi Onimaru, who has the same samurai spirit as Yaiba, in a new training ground.

Yaiba is living a life of serious competition, but when Onimaru obtains the “Legendary Demon Sword”, he is on a journey full of spectacle and great adventure...!


This occurred in Brevard, FL. The complaint was lodged by a member of the community. From the article:

A person in the district challenged the book's inclusion in the schools' libraries on the grounds that "sexual orientation should not be encouraged, suggested, or implanted" in the youth.


The complaint also included concerns children would be "exposed to age-inappropriate, obscene, explicit content" and that there was "no value in making homosexual books available at school." The book is rated for T for Teens.

The most insane part of this to me is that the chair of the school board also took aim at the right to left reading direction of the series (you know, like every other manga in existence) as well as it including a romantic relationship (like the vast majority of fiction):

Board Chair Megan Wright objected to the book's content due to its focus on a romantic relationship, as well as the Japanese reading format of reading the book from right-to-left.


This is the "variant" art according to the ANN source. The original cover art is below:


No date or visual released yet, just that it is in production. Synopsis from AniList:

Yuuki wakes up to find herself wearing a maid's uniform in a strange manor. After wandering into the dining room, she comes across five other girls, each in the exact same outfit. Soon, the girls learn that the manor is brimming with lethal weapons and an array of deadly traps…and that they can only escape by playing the most gruesome of games. As the terrifying truth sets in, each girl's face goes pale—except Yuuki's. Why? Because this isn't her first go-round. That's right—Yuuki is a professional death game player who lives off the prize money she collects from winning brutal killing competitions, and she's not about to let this chance pass her by.


No date announced yet. Check out the ANN article for additional information. Synopsis of the first season from AniList:

Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he finds an adorable bird named Peeps and takes him home. But Sasaki quickly learns that Peeps isn’t your average bird…he’s a powerful mage from another world! Together, they embark on a magical adventure filled with swords and sorcery.


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