I'm strongly suspecting the bystanders who died/were injured got hit by the shooter. I'd say that's amateurish by the shooter (and it is) but there's a big crowd, very likely those bullets are going to hit someone.
I think it would be. Not morally, just i don't think he's competent enough.
Trump (or probably one of his people) said it's incredible that something like this could happen in this country. Of course what he means is it's incredible when it happens to him. When it happens to a kindergarten... eh, no big deal.
A lot of them already called him "the God Emperor", so...
Huh, having separate append permission is interesting. i didn't realize that was an option.
Kind of a Hitleriam 'stache, too, being completely honest.
...it didn't even register with me until i read this comment. I didn't even realize something was amiss. FML.
If swiping documents and selling them to foreign governments is an official act, and the Court seems to believe it should be assumed that, then i don't see why not.
You know that's bullshit.
Man it's crazy how these fuckers basically get to ignore copyright law whenever it's inconvenient to them but if you have one too many Windows machines provisioned they'll send the Spanish Inquisition after you.
Big part, for sure.
Cool idea for an SOS beacon: Just shoot an incredibly bright red light at Earth and they'll know something bad is happening :D