using a backslash before the asterisk will prevent the markdown interpreting it
I am sick of these motherf*cking posts on this motherf*cking thread
using a backslash before the asterisk will prevent the markdown interpreting it
I am sick of these motherf*cking posts on this motherf*cking thread
also did OpenAI start out as a company selling shower curtains? didn't think so
Remember: "Fear" is conciousness plus life. "Regret" is an attempt to avoid what has already happened. "Toast" is bread held under direct heat until crisp. The present tense of "regret" is "indecision". The future tense of "fear" is either comedy or tragedy. The past tense of "toast" is "toasted"
yeah I keep seeing it everywhere, not really sure why
yes, because you'd be able to do something anywhere close to this with modeling chocolate:
why can't you just let people enjoy things?
Radar is basically the same thing as a flashlight. If you want to hide from someone's flashlight you have two options: absorb the light with a material (such as VantaBlack), or reflect the light away from the transmitter. The old solution was to do the latter, which is why the F-117 has odd angles: to bounce the light away from the transmitter.
While I respect K&R formatting, you can pry Allman from my cold, dead hands.
I really see this being an ad in a Welcome To Night Vale episode
it wouldn't be the same vibe. daft punk made Tron legacy so much better
I like this one way better than the Thursday dog. I don't know why but the image of that dog makes me angry