Yes, I was in a hurry and that last sentence of mine was lacking nuance. Sorry!
What bothers me is the concern trolling about "PETA killing animals". The people leveling this sort of charge are usually disingenuous and don't care about animals at all, but just want to fling mud at PETA. (that is certainly true of those running that domain name)
This is similar to people who bring up how many animals are killed while harvesting grain. This argument usually comes from meat eaters looking to find a "gotcha" hoping to nullify the ethical arguments for veganism.
These are valid topics to debate, but the bad faith arguments are annoying.
I have a soy milk maker (Soyajoy, circa 2001), though I haven't used it in many years. But when I did, I would save the okara and make it into little "meatballs". I cannot remember the recipe (though I think arrowroot was a key ingredient) but I am pretty sure it came from Bill Shurtleff's "Book of Tofu".