Turns out that worked!
Found a shitload of screenshots in my home directory after logging in for some maintenance. It's been a while since checking out the server and seeing only 50MB of space
My guess is my hard drive held down the prtscn button enough to amass 15GB of screenshots since they look like they're taken seconds from each other and stopped after my HD filled up.
Maybe I got lucky and have an incompetent hacker.
About 15 gigs of screenshots from something pressing down my prtscrn button unknowingly, lol
At least I hope that's what happened.
With Reddit all weird, I gotta make sure my uploads are in safe hands
My scrots are getting out of hand 😳
Did this for the first time yesterday 😅
And of course I had an instant watcher on my repo yet I never had one before, lol
Op is gonna meet their stinky penpal in person and wants to save a special gift for when they get together, how romantic 😍
Huge L for the community and for my cheap ass company that will likely be migrating away soon 😭
Check if they also blocked winget
Something, likely a playlist, must be associating it with Spotify to set itself as something you're interested in. If you have a playlist that may be hanging around or a track in your history, you can toggle the 'Exclude from your taste profile' to hopefully hide it for good!
I'm working on a program using the spotify api so I may make a way to find what in your taste profile is causing the anomaly.
Serious... enough...