
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago

Drag queens don't call themselves woman in everyday life. It's all part of a performance. Just like drag kings. Unless of course someone is trans.

But if you say gender roles don't matter, why are you so butt hurt about men 'perpetuating bad gender roles' of women huh? So either gender doesn't matter. Or it does. Which it seems like it does because dur dur men dressing as women offends me because gender roles.

Someone really needs to take the blame for feeding you after midnight!

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago (5 children)

So. Is this also an issue for you? Or is it just cause you're a woman and you don't like men in dresses?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago

No definition of art huh. Okay then. Somebody doesn't know what a dictionary is.

Oh bless you, you're the one taking issue at the fact drag queens even exist. Nobody is like other girls, idiot. Every woman is different. So no, I'm not like other women, I'm like myself. Just like you are, just like my sister, mother, best friend is too.

I suggest you chill out though, you're gonna cut yourself on all that edge.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Listen sweetheart. I'm saying drag queens wear make up as it's an aggregated form of art for showbusiness. So take a seat at the back of the class and actually learn reading comprehension.

I said drag queens aren't the ones saying women need to wear makeup. I'm saying society is. And drag queens wear makeup as a form of art. What's so hard to understand about that.

Clearly you just hate drag queens. If your fragile female ego takes a beating cause a drag queen looks better than you. That's a you problem.

As a woman who doesn't wear makeup. I think drag queens are great. They're funny. They're amazing at their form of art. And they're also in a group that gets hate from the world, as the majority are gay. So I'm all for them going out there and doing what to do despite the hate and shit they get from homophobic fuckwads.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 6 months ago (19 children)

So you're not a woman because drag queens wear make up?
Sounds like you're a bit of a transphobe with your underhanded digs.

Drag queens wear heavy makeup because they're men, and it's show business. It's an exaggerated art form.

It's not drag queens who propagate the women wear makeup stero type. It's been a societal pressure for years now. Just like shaving legs, it's about what society wants women to look like. Women were and still are in a lot of places, seen as objects who need to look pretty and keep quiet.
So don't blame drag queens for an issue that has been pushed by society for a long ass time.

If people want to identify as male or female, that's their choice. And their choice doesn't affect you. Just like a person you don't know getting a tattoo doesn't affect you. Their body. Their choice.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It's easier to hope someone will have information on an individual who's is reported on. Someone might see the article and realise they saw her in a coffee shop with a man, looking very uneasy. And tip off police.

Whereas homelessness is a much harder thing to tackle. That requires government intervention rather than individual intervention from someone who saw something suspicious. And getting a government to care about homeless people is a huge ask.
I hate that we have a homelessness issue, and I hate that it's not reported on much at all. Things should be in the public eye, in hopes that people wrote to their local rep to try get help.

But it's more likely you'll find a missing person (dead or alive) by posting an article than it is likely you'll resolve homelessness.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Larian said they were releasing a complete game. I honestly hope they don't release an expansion. The ending was great, and I don't know where you go after. An expansion past the ending would almost cheapen the whole game for me. After a huge build up to the fight of the netherbrain. It wouldn't feel right to continue after that.

And only getting to 12th level felt fine. I don't think it needed to go higher. Mine abs my partner's characters were beasts even at level 12. So it doesn't feel like it's necessary.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Okay okay. So let me get this straight. Story bad. You realise story has been a centre point of gaming for a long long long time.

Second. As someone who has played games for 25+, there's plenty of games out there if you just want constant combat. Doom for example. Halo. Overwatch. Apex. Dark souls.
Even combat heavy games have stories though. Overwatch has background lore and in game story now.
Doom gotta save everyone from bad alien dudes.
Halo. Stop the covenant using the rings.
Dark souls... Well dark souls is so lore heavy it's hard to keep up with the story.

So if you don't like story in games. Well maybe stick to space invaders and leave the good games to people who actually appreciate good games.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Nowhere in your link didn't it mention sex toys cause a rectal prolapse. So maybe link something appropriate.

Also, people generally don't start straight up shoving huge sex toys into their orifices. It's built up and if it's a problem then they stop.

Personally, I don't want anything that big near me. But if others want to, it their bodies, they're free to do whatever they want.

The air we breathe causes our cells to degrade which results in aging and death.
Smoking is bad for you.
Junk food.
Skydiving could kill you.
But it's not our place to police what people do with their own bodies. If they want to snort coke off a hookers ass, then that's their choice.
If someone wants a giant dick in their ass or vag, that's also their choice. If they cause issues for their own bodies, they're the ones making the choice knowing any risks. It does affect you, so why are you all up in people's business that doesn't affect you?

Stop trying to police people's bodies and what they do with them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Billy talent are great for political, fuck the government/ big corporations type songs. Not protest songs so much. But it feels pretty on theme. Their messages are great.
Surprise surprise and viking death march are two of my personal favourites songs by them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

When you're paying £50 for a sweater, that's basically rich kid sweater anyway. £50 for me is basically 2 weeks of groceries if I shop wisely.

It's just insane they think that cost is acceptable just because it has a school logo on it.

And honestly, where I'm from. There wasn't really rich kids. There was 1 kid in a school of 750 who came from a family with money. So it makes even less sense.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (4 children)

I wouldn't mind uniforms, if they weren't like 3 times the price of regular clothes.
My school sweater was a blue v-neck. But it had to have the school name and logo on it. So it was £50.
If they'd just said, v-neck royal blue sweater and let people buy their own from whatever store, that's fine. We had specific ties too, so if they just said we had to buy the ties from the school but the PE shorts/ netball skirts, football socks, polos and the school sweater should have been able to be purchased from any old store.

I agree, non-uniform days were hell for me. I was the kid of the working class parent, and the emo/ goth kid. I didn't own anything that wasn't fitting of my aesthetic. So I got bullied badly. So I appreciated the uniform. But the prices are the issue. And school that demand girls wear skirts and not trousers, I have a huge issue with that. If girls want to wear trousers, it shouldn't be an issue. It makes me question whether the people implementing the rules are just sexist, or sexist and pervvy.

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