I really hope this isn't switch exclusive
I don't have much time for podcasts now that I work from home I just want to say that there are so many about terrible people and I just get sad listening to those. This seems like a neat a positive thing I might try to check it out when I get time.
Found a place, I can't take this stress
Posted this to your other post too but I'm definitely finding somewhere to watch it. Excited to see a win on the road back to the Calder cup.
Yeah hype for this, gonna try to find a bar nearby playing the game so I can check it out .
I'm pretty excited for this. I remain a little suspicious of adaptations but there have been enough good ones lately that this could be a good watch. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.
That's amazing news. I'll be using this.
The game or the multiplayer update? I played it when it came out and really enjoyed it but I haven't messed with the multiplayer at all.
Man, had no clue this happened or I would have checked it out
Man, what is going on in willowick?