Connections Puzzle #370
Connections Puzzle #370
This worked! thank you
Every time I click on a Piped link that has been posted here by the bot after someone posts a YouTube link, I just wait and wait for it to start playing. Eventually I run out of patience and click the YouTube link, which starts to play immediately.
This is disgusting, but true.
I can also gleek but it's nowhere near what my grade 11 English teacher could do. I don't know how it came up in class, but, in front of the class, she turned sideways and made the biggest arc I'd ever seen: maybe 6 feet long
I used it accidentally. Now my work PC and my personal laptop have a mishmash of unwanted bookmarks on each
Unlimited SMS is on most cell phone plans nowadays, at least in Canada.
On a slightly different tack: I run a website, and I choose not to implement SMS for notifications - only email. Email is free. Adding SMS, even at $0.007 per message, could add up to big bucks.
LMAO the 8 letter word I saw was "cringing"
Why does it need to read and write to my contacts?
Put an actual hot dog in it and maybe they can sell it for $30 each
Tesla driver here.
When I first heard the announcement that they were going vision-only, I thought ah shit they're boned.
I replied on maybe a Reddit thread (?) that there was no way it'll work up north in any kind of snowy conditions, and people called me an idiot etc
Fast forward a few years later, when I got to experience it first hand. Anytime I drive the car at night, warnings pop up on the screen like "front left camera is blocked or blinded" Cue Surprised Pikachu. In the snow, sometimes it can't even detect a road.
I tried the free trial of FSD and, while it's a neat gimmick, I think I was able to make maybe one or two short trips (2km) without needing to disengage it.
It was really bad